out and about

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Nothing really changed for Theo after Liam's confession. He notices how awkward the younger wolf is and they hit each other a lot less. That could also be because Liam wasn't being as irritating. His friend on the other hand. Mason was pissing Theo off. Mason would sit with Liam on the bleachers and ask what Liam thinks of the active teens going around the sports field. Theo is convinced this is just an excuse for Mason to perv without getting in trouble with his boyfriend. Theo walks up to them and Liam goes from laughing to being embarrassed. So that was an annoying change.

"Speak of the devil, so from what I can tell our boy here is Bisexual, not Theosexual which is good because you need to get laid." Mason laughs. Liam rolls his eyes.

"Ignore Mason. What's up?"

"Nothing just bored, what are you guys doing tonight."

"I'm playing wingman so Liam stops having dirty dreams about you," Mason answers only to be punched for real. Theo would have done a spit take if he'd been drinking water. "Oh, you didn't tell him?"

"How could anybody possible put that into a regular conversation?" Liam asks pissed off and embarrassed.

"Sorry, your reaction when I told you to tell him you liked him basically said it, you aren't the smartest person Liam. ow, my arm hurts."

"Theo remember when the ground literally swallowed you whole, how can I arrange that?" Liam asks as red as a beetroot and Theo starts laughing.

"Well, I'm flattered. And mildly curious..."

"I only know about the first one which was the least graphic and it involves you half naked in the boy's locker room, he won't tell me about the other ones," Mason says and moves out of Liam's reach.

"I hate both of you," Liam mutters.

"Now we both know that's not true." Theo teases lightly pushing the little Wolf.

"I changed my mind, I like Scott, he's nicer than you, less of an asshole."

"Nah, you have less of a chance with Scott he doesn't like guys. See you guys later." Theo walks away and realises that he just admitted to Liam and fucking Mason that he's Bi as well. Dammit. He hears the two 17-year-olds figuring out what he said can picture Liam grinning. Maybe it's not so bad that they know.

That night he goes back to his car and lies down in the back with all his stuff. Home sweet home. Closing his eyes Theo tries to sleep ignoring the hunger in his stomach. He doesn't want to hunt down another deer to eat, he wanted something hot, cooked preferably. Dammit. There was knock on the window and Theo jumps up quickly to see Liam.  What was he doing here?

"Hey, um I was just wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with me and Mason. My mom made too much and I knew you were, I thought you might be hungry," he mumbles and Theo shakes his head in amusement. A part of him wanted to say no out of pride but his hunger beat out his pride.

"Thanks, Liam. It's just. Is there anywhere for me to clean up first?" Liam smiles and both get into the front of his car. The drive to Liam's house was awkward but familiar. It was nice to drive together without the fear of death.

"About what Mason..." Liam starts.

"I don't mind. I mean, you can't control your subconscious and I don't try to contain the thoughts I can control when I like someone. One time I was working out and heard Malia coming and I took off my shirt just so she had to acknowledge how attractive she found me." Theo responds trying to calm him down.

"you had a thing for Malia?"

"not really. I wanted her because Stiles and Scott had her and I wanted what was Scott's. There was also a Coyote thing." 

a dream is a wish your heart makes (Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar)Where stories live. Discover now