Peers (Part 2)

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"I guess Ill see you tomorrow", He says before leaning in and pecking my cheek before heading out to his next class.

I just knew my cheeks were red; I held my head down as I smiled and thought about how perfect homecoming night was gonna be.

"You're gonna be late", Mrs. Goodman says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh shoot.. Thank you", I say as I quickly made my way out of her class and to my 3rd period.

• Month 3 •

I didn't realize how close me and Eric were until we went from talking at school, to talking on the phone, to falling asleep at each others houses.

When it came to school work, I would help him with writing and he'd help me with art; he also offered to take me shopping for my homecoming outfit but I want him to be surprised.

"Hey, after school.. Can you come over and help me come up with a subject to write about?",  He says as he picked up his pencil and notebooks.

"Sure", I say as we walked towards the door.

"Coo", He says as he exited.

"Okay, see you after after school."

"You to!", He says as he jogged to the gym room.

Through each class I thought about how hard it was for Eric to ask me to homecoming, the thought of how shy he got made me smile; I thought about the smile he gave me when I said yes and how perfect homecoming night's gonna be and before I knew it, it was the end of the day.

"Bye Eve!", I say to one of my friends before exiting my last class and seeing two girls just staring at me before whispering to each other and laughing.

I frowned. "Do we have a problem?", I question.

They rolled their eyes as they laughed and walked out of the school exit, I shook my head before walking out of the building and looking for Eric.

I looked ahead and saw him leaning against a white BMW. "You ight", He says as I approached his car.

"Yeah.. Fine", I answer as I got in and closed the door.

He got in and started the car before looking at me, "You sure?"

I smiled at the thought of how much he cared. "Yeah, I'm okay", I say calmly before looking at him.

He smirked. "Good", He says as he pulled off.

** 4:00PM **

Eric sighed as he tapped his pencil on his notebook, "Whatchu writing about this time?", He questions.

I laughed, "Firstly, what I wrote about is irrelevant and secondly I already turned my assignment in."

"Damn girl", He says as he chuckled.

"Where your restroom?, I question.

He pointed me in the direction as he kept thinking, I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror before getting the comb out my back pocket and coming my hair;  when I was finished I washed my hands.

"Ohhh what's this", I hear him say from his bedroom.

"Huh?", I say as I dried my hands.

"Dare to Love In California, By Shay", I hear him read out loud.

I stopped fixing my bra and my eyes widened as I quickly walked out of the restroom and made my way to his bedroom.

"A young girl moves a long way from home to Compton California and starts school at Compton high where she knows no one", He reads dramatically.

"Eric", I say in a serious tone.

He continues, "She nervously walks the empty halls before walking into him", He says as he raises his eyebrows up and down.

"Eric", I say as I walked to him and he pulled me on top of him before handing me the papers.

"I like it so far", He says as he leaned me to him.

He continued. "Can't wait to read the rest", He says as he kissed me.

I was in disbelief and then filled with full-blown shock when I felt his tongue in my mouth, kissed back and felt a weak moan escape as he grinded against my kitty.

He slowly slid off my pants and pulled off my panties before slowly pushing inside of me; a feeling I'd never felt  before.

Lol sorry for the cliff and updating so late, (Part 2) For Shayylondon I hope you like it so far (Part 3) Coming soon ❤❤❤

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