Peers (Part 2)

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● Week 2 ●
Shay's P.O.V.

I watched him as he held the #2 pencil in his hand and stared at the blank piece of paper, I began to memorize certain characteristics of his face; like the sexy curve of his lips, the natural slit through his eyebrow, his innocent brown eyes and that perfect smile that he revealed as he looked at me.

"You gone just stare or help?", He questions.

I laughed awkwardly. "My fault", I continued. "So what do you usually read?", I ask.

"Graphic Novels", He joked.

I just stared. "I'm just playin dang", He says as he laughed.

He continued, "You always this serious?"

"I mean it's yo grade not mine."

"Ight ight, chill", He says says as he turned towards me.

"You ready to be serious?"

"Yes ma'am", He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, what kinda books to you like to read?", I ask once again.

"I read but not like you know.... Novels and shit..", He says as he thought to himself.

He looked back at me, "I like comics, I know how to draw to..."

"Aye, Mrs. Hoodman", Eric calls out making the class chuckle quietly.

"It's Goodman and I will not say it again Eric, how can I help you?", She questions.

"My fault; we allowed to comics?", He questions.

"It's a form of writing", He continued.

"As long as you have 3 pages with illustrations, yes."

I smiled, "Now you can do something you like."

"Yup, speakin of writing.. Did you start on our fantasy?", He questions as he raised one eyebrow.

I slowly smiled, "Yeah..."

" Awww shit, lemme read it."

"Nope", I say as I laughed.

"Come onnnn, it's still gone be good."

"You can wait."

He laughed as he looked at me, "We'll I wanna ask you something else."

"Wassup?", I say as I looked at him.

He slid his hands on my thighs and looked in my eyes and I immediately tensed up as my body temperature increased.

"You.. Do you.. Wanna..-", He says as he trailed off before chuckling and biting his bottom lip; I tried to slide his hands off my thighs but he just moved them up higher.

"Come to homecoming with me..", He says as he held my waist as he looked in my eyes.


"Yeah, I know its in a few weeks but I just wanted to ask you before anyone else could..", He explains.

I slowly smiled, "Okay".

"So that's a yes?", He questions.

"Yeah", I answer.

A smiled stretched across his face revealing his dimples, I laughed as we both sat there smiling but it looked like there was something else on his mind. The bell for 3rd period finally rang and we stood in unison.

Eazy e Imagines 3 Fan-ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें