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QUICK A/N: Hi! I'm new to Wattpad, and yes, this is my first story. Please feel free to comment and vote, and if you like it, PLEASE KEEP READING! I will try to update as soon as possible :D

P.S - If you have any helpful advice, please tell me! Either comment below or on my profile. Thanks so much!    

xx my-second-life

. . . 


“Again? I thought it was gone.” He sounded truly heart broken, even from this far away.

“Quiet down, it’s still early and there are people sleeping! She’ll be okay...”

I hope so. To be honest, I was completely scared. For five long years, I was hopng it would just disappear - right into thin air, and I would be free from it forever, living a perfect fairytale life. But that's just wishful thinking...

 I made the decision to lean closer, struggling to pick up the now, muffled words of my mother and brother’s ‘private’ conversation, but that was a big mistake. As soon as the weight shifted to my front leg, a loud creak sprung from the old mahogany floor.

“Lise? Is that you?” Nash questioned.

I remained silent and turned around, trying my best to tip toe back, so I could hide in my room, and pretend to be asleep as I usually would be at this time. Luckily it wasn’t even that far from the top of the staircase where I was standing, but with just my luck, I had caused the floorboards to creak for the second time.

“Ana, you do know I can see you, right?” 

I cursed under my breath and slowly turned my head to look over my shoulder. Sure enough my older brother Nash was looking up at me with his now, puffy blue eyes, and tear stained cheeks, despite the slight smile on his face, contrasting it from his other visible emotions.

“You know talking behind people’s back is rude.” I said cheekily, trying to cheer him up before he makes me upset. It truly hurts me to see him like this; pained, worried, scared – even though this wasn’t his problem. It was mine.

“And eavesdropping is pretty rude as well if you ask me…” He replied, even sassier than I had spoken previously.

“But seriously though… When were you going to tell me that your cancer was back? Were you even going to tell me?” He asked, his eyes pleading for a real answer, that didn’t involve me changing the subject.

“I-I was going to wait…”

“I didn’t want to miss out on seeing you do your ‘thing’!” I quickly added, emphasising ‘thing’ with a sassy click and accompanying head roll, earning a small chuckle from Nash.

“MAGCON can wait. You’re my baby sister! If something’s wrong, family comes first remember? My fans can wait.” He replies, with open arms, inviting me to a hug.

I grudgingly walk downstairs and enter his warm embrace. As I hold tight to his torso, I bury my head in his chest.

“One, I’m not a baby; I’m sixteen! Two, if you didn’t end up going to MAGCON, I’d be the top of every one of those girls’ hit-list, and thirdly, I did it to prevent the ‘special treatment’ I got from before. I was labelled ‘that girl with cancer’ and everyone back in primary tiptoed around me, and treated me differently… You didn't even treat me the same.”

“This time, I want to stay me. I want to stay Analise.” I said whilst slipping out of his warm embrace.

“Oh, and I’m still coming with you to MAGCON. No matter what you say, nothing can stop me. Mom said I could come, and plus, she already bought my own tickets. You’re crazy if you think I’d waste that much money.” I added.

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