Chapter Six

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This day has definitely been the weirdest day of my life. First I get attacked by Cyclopes, then I make them run away. Then some kid from my pre-algebra class tells me that I'm the child of a god. Then I encounter a Laistrygonian giant, which I also manage to scare away. Then Asher takes me to this camp for other children of the gods. Then my mother, who happens to be Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, claims me. Then the campers are scared of me until Chiron suddenly bows down to me, which everyone else does. Yup, today was officially the weirdest day of my life.

Chiron stood up again. "Well Callisto. Your mother has claimed you. You may join your siblings at the Athena table. Then after dinner, they can show you around Cabin 6. Everyone! Please resume your dinner." Chiron trotted over to me and led me to a table with none other than Asher Jones.

"Asher?" I asked. "Wait. So, are you my brother or something?" I was so confused.

Asher shrugged. "I guess so. Welcome to the family." He introduced me to the three other kids. "This is Jordan, Zach, and Sean." They all waved to me.

Sean looked around. "Well, everyone's starting to clear out. We have campfire sing-along, and then we can show you around our cabin. Don't worry. You're going to love it here." I really hoped he was right.
Singing wasn't really my thing, but I reluctantly followed my siblings (that was so weird to say, especially since my whole life I've been an only child.) The camp gathered around the fireplace and started singing strange songs, like one about how grandma puts on her armor.
Jordan gently shoved my shoulder. "Come on, Callisto. Have some enthusiasm!"
"I'll pass for now. I'm still trying to get used to the whole 'demigod' business."
"Completely understandable. It's almost done anyway. We'll take you to our cabin."
I was so glad when it was over. Asher, Jordan, Sean, and Zach led me to their cabin. It was one of the few cabins in the camp that actually looked like a Greek building. It was mostly silver, but it still had those Greek columns that lined the building. Carved above the door was an owl, like the one that was floating above my head. It had three Greek letters above it: alpha, theta, epsilon. Of the Athenians. I didn't know how I knew that, but I did. My siblings led me into the cabin. The interior was astonishing. On the left side of the room, there were about twenty bunks, but they were all crammed together, as if sleeping wasn't the most important thing that mattered in this cabin. Along the back wall were a lot of shelves, aligned with so many books, way more than the ones at my school's library. I read the spine, and found out that all of them were written in Ancient Greek. On the right side of the room, there were work benches and tables covered in scrolls, blueprints, drawings, and weapons. In the middle of the cabin, there were even more scrolls and blueprints, along with star charts and more drawings. There were pens and and quills and more weapons on the floor. It was basically a dream come true for geeks like me.
"Welcome to Cabin 6! What do you think?" Zach asked.
I looked around the room one more time, trying to register everything in the room. "It's... beautiful."
"Good," Sean said, "No other child of a god would be this interested in a cabin full of brainiac things. Here's your bunk." He pointed to the second nearest one to the door. "Make yourself at home." It wasn't really that hard, since I didn't have the time to get any of my stuff from my apartment in Pittsburgh. That suddenly made me homesick for Pittsburgh. Even though our apartment was barely anything, I still missed it. And I missed my dad. I hoped he was okay.
My siblings offered me a change of clothes. I got ready for bed and settled into my bunk. I thought that after the day I had just had, I wouldn't be able to sleep. But instead, I fell asleep as soon as my head hits the bunk. And that's when the dream happened.

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