The Begining

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Me and my friends were all at the beach.

Summer was here.

I looked out into the ocean.

Loving how I could hear the ocean's waves crashing on the shore.

"Hey! Jan!" I heard my friend Daphne call behind me.

"Hey Daph!" I yelled back giving her a hug.

"Enjoying your Going away party?" She asked grabbing my hands.

"Yeah, I'm just going to miss Home so much! I can't believe this happened..." I frowned thinking about the accident.

"Hey! Stop it C'mon! Your not going to be sad anymore okay. We are all here for you!" She smiled at me pulling me in for a big hug.

"Alright. " I smiled. Clearing my mind.

"C'mon Let's go eat!" She smiled at me pulling me toward all my friends.

As I was eating I looked around at each person and thought about how they were actually going to miss me.

I was clearly not the most popular girl in school. I'm not even considered pretty.

Let's face it I'm no where near pretty.

But I do have some amazing group of friends.

We have always been their for each other.

We stood up for one another.

We are like a family.

And ever since my accident, they took care of me when I most needed it.

I felt my phone vibrate.

I looked at it.

Incoming call

Uncle Brooks

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Jan! We need to get going soon!" He said through the phone.

"Okay. Let me just say good bye to my friends. I should be home in like 5 minutes." I said flatly.

"Okay Janice, but Hurry!" He said as he Hung up.

I turned off my I phone and placed it back in my pocket.

"Hey Guys! I Gotta go..." I said sadly.

"Wait! Before you go! We all got you something!" Daphne said.

"You guys shouldn't have!" I smiled.

"Well we did any ways." She laughed.

"I saw you looking at that guitar, The other day." Drew smiled.

"Yeah well I could dream you know." I laughed.

"Well we thought that since we might never see each other again we could pitch in to get you it." Lacy said excitedly, as Daphne handed me the guitar.

It was beautiful. It was black on the outside and on the inside was this dark shade of purple.

"I Love you guys!" I smiled as my eyes began to water.

"That's not all!" Mary said.

"We got you this case." Edward said pulling it out from under the table.

"How?" I asked.

"Well You know how my Uncle works in the business well I got him to make a personalized guitar case, with messages from all of us, and some of your favorite quotes." Drew smiled proudly.

"Thanks you guys!" I said going around and giving them all hugs.

"Will Miss you!" Daphne yelled as she handed me the Case and helped me place the guitar in the case.

"I'll Miss you guys to!" I waved as I turned to look at them one last time before walking away.


Hey! This is one of my first Fan fics. Hope you guys liked the begining more soon to come :)

Leave comments please I will Love hearing your thoughts xX


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