Raven Tells Gar and Arella of Her Prenancy

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Raven's P.O.V. Once i had finally got over the initial shock of find out that i am pregnant i then flushed the toilet of my vomit cleaned myself up then proceeded to leave the bathroom and then headed back to the Living Room/Command Center/Kitchen i then walked over to table where Gar was still sitting i then sat down next to him once i had done so i looked at me and said you okay Rae and i just nodded my head i then said that we had to talk about something very important later today and he replied okay is it good news and i replied yes it's good news don't worry all we have to do is just talk about it and once we do that we'll figure out what the next step will be together later tonight but until then i need to go and talk to our oldest daughter about some girl stuff i then walked out of the room and headed to Terra's room and when i got to Terra's bedroom door i then proceeded to knock on her door and Terra said that i could come in, i then walked in once i was through her door and Terra then stated that she was a little surprised to see me and i then replied that the reason that i am here is because i have some very interesting news that only she could relate to and Terra then said Mom are you pregnant and i replied yes baby i am pregnant i then walked up to her bed and sat down i then just broke down crying a few seconds later i felt a pair of strong arms comforting me i then peered through crystallized eyes and saw that Terra was the one comforting me Terra kept repeating shh shh shh it's okay Mom you're okay and that i shouldn't worry because worrying is bad for the baby i then said that you're right baby-girl it isn't very good to worry because it could cause a miscarriage Terra then said Mom have you told Dad yet and i replied that i hadn't as of yet i then told her saying that i plan on telling him along with my mom i then asked Terra saying would you mind being there with me when i tell your father and grandmother the news and Terra replied that she'd not like anything more than that i then said why don't you go to my room and wait there because i'm going to go and get her father and grandmother and then bring them to my room so that i can tell them the news there and Terra replied that she'd meet me there and she then made her way to my room while i went back to the Command Center to get Gar and my Mom so that i could bring them to my room to tell them the news once i'd gotten both of them from there i then led them both to my room and once we'd gotten there i opened the door and said you may take a seat they both then sat down once they had both had taken a seat in a chair or on my bed i then motioned for Terra to take a seat on the bed with me i then started with the reason that i brought you two to my room is because i have some very important news that i have to tell you both since Terra already knows exactly what i'll be talking about i then continued saying that once i had gotten back with the kids i was going to come talk to you guys when i had gotten the sudden urge to throw up i then ran as fast as i possibly could to the bathroom once i had gotten there i started regurgitating into the toilet and once i was done i took a pregnancy test and the results came back positive i'm pregnant once i was done speaking i wasn't sure what Gar or my Mother's reaction would be but to my surprise it was my mother that spoke up first saying Congratulations Baby-Girl before i could answer my mother Gar came up to me and gave me a very passionate kiss on the lips

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