Changes (chapter 9)

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Month later

-Toms POV-

It's been a month in this army, so much had changed, Tord had changed the most. At least for me since I didn't get to see Edd. Tord changed his goofy and happy self to grumpy soldier, it was hard for me to look at this, everyday the same routine:
Get up
Go to cafeteria with Tord for breakfast
Eat breakfast while talking to purple... 

Yeah, that changed too. Ma- purple leader would eat at same table as me and Tord, we would talk. He would talk with Tord about making weapons, and with me about either designing weapons or helping in base's hospital. Purple said that even though I do lot of work when designing weapons I should help more if I didn't have any ideas, which happened only sometimes. If it did I would help medics and nurses.

After we ate we would go back to brush teeth
And then to where we worked.

We stayed there most of the time, others had a lot to do and we could hear them walk around. Me and Tord had one room where we worked. I always would go with Tord, I would stay an hour or two. If I have an idea I start working on it, if not I go help out. Now that I think about it, Tord works only on the weapons, I can't blame him but he needs rest. If I don't work on weapon the next time I see him is in our room. Yeah, he wanted to protect me when he was still... Himself. The army changed us so much. Sometimes I would look at old photos of us four, or drawing I drew when we were together and not in this army.

-Tords POV-

A month has passed since joining the army. I can tell that To- Thomas is never going to get used to it. I share a room with him, I still love him. I guess he doesn't. We don't talk much, only about weapons when we work. I miss our old life, our old house, our old friendship. I miss it all. But we can't go back now.

Words: 363

Ik short, but Its early (3:25 am) and I haven't slept all night. So yeah.


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