This can't be true (chapter 5)

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-Tords POV-

Me, Tom and Etd, we were watching TV, some boring news were there. I didn't really care until something interesting... Or would be a weird better form of saying it? Yeah definitely, weird reports showed up. On the left side of the screen there was a photo of a man. I felt like I should know him, I do know him...

But who is he?

-Toms POV-

Oh no... Why? How!? We were watching news. Reports showed picture of Matt in the corner.
"A leader of Purple Army is wanted, on cliff were found parts of robot with his symbol but his body was no-where to be found, we assume his soldiers got to him and saved him."
The reporter said. H-how!? How is he still alive!? And 'leader of purple army'? He leaded an army? That would explain the robot but... What is he trying to achieve?

-Edds POV- (I should stop switching POVs so much >->)

WHAT!? THAT BASTARD IS STILL ALIVE!?! UGH! Soon after knowing that Mr. Purple army leader commie is still alive, I switched the channel to show 'The Cats' it was one of the good shows like 'The Children'. I looked over at Tom, he was clearly terrified, and I am not judging. He just found out that his so called 'friend' was still alive and was leader of an army. I knew that Matt would always be up to some evil shit. I looked over at Tord, he was concerned, more like, dumbfounded he surely didn't remember Matt thanks to his short memory and lack of inteligents. I just left without saying a word. Tom soon got up too.
He grabbed a cola and walked back in the living room. I swear that the cola will once kill him. But I can do nothing about that. What I can do is to find that commie and kill him for good now. But if I do, I need a plan. A really good one, since he was now probably at his army base with soldiers ready to kill me any time.

-Matt's POV- (OK I swear this is the last POV switch in this chapter)

Great, stupid news. Now they all know I am alive, it didn't went alright for me. Heck I have a purple robotic arm now. I am blind on my right eye and my right side of face hurts like hell. I am hurt but that's nothing I didn't experience before. I must find another was how to take over the world since my robot was destroyed and the parts were left on that cliff. When I finally broke from thoughts, I seemed as I was walking now where... I turned on heal of my combat boots and walked over to my office. I opened the door and walked inside. Yeah... My office is probably the messiest room in this base. Its mostly filled with paperwork, I sat on my purple spinning chair and started to fill the paperwork, well till my best trusted soldiers came to my office. I still remember that they crashed a plane and started zombie apocalypse.
"Purple leader, welcome back" Larry said.
"Thank you Larry, is there something important or did you just want to say that?"
"Well doctors want to see you purple leader, to run tests on your robotic arm and see if it functions well" Bing said. Bing always smokes, I swear that smoking is his only hobbie...
"Alright, tell them that I will be there in just a minute, you're dissmised" I said and dismissed them. I still had some 'important' paperwork I needed to fill right now.

-time skip-

Jeez, that took long. Wait, didn't Bing told me to be somewhere? And then it hit me the doctors. I quickly got up and started walking to doctor offices. I see I was too late because one of them was outside, when he spotted me he walked over to me and told me to go to infirmary and sit on one of the beds. And so I did, they ran few tests before they told me they are done and that everything works. Which I am happy to hear since I do not need nor want it to break, it was quite late when I got back to my office. So I went to door on the side of my office to enter my room. After I changed to one of my old hoodies and comfortable pants and went to sleep, I can't believe I spend so much time filling the stupid paperwork. But I guess that just means less boring paperwork tomorrow.

Words: 775

Oooookay, sorry I didn't wrote story's week before my mom can be a shopping maniac while we are in the store and it takes few hours to get her home. As for Matt's POVs there won't be much of him doing something interesting because idk how army works so yeah sorry for that >->"
Anyway, I hope you like this chapter because I sure enjoyed writing it.


TomTord (Tomsworld)  childlish loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt