04. come undone

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He was so excited, you'd think he was a kid in a candy store as he chose the ring. Once it was in his possession, he was sure to tuck it safely into his coat pocket, keeping it safe and hidden while he figured out a place to hide it once he got home.

Then came the time where wracked his brain, thinking of what he could do to make it special. A dinner date, where he put the ring into a glass of champagne? Too cliché. A walk on the beach, where he waited until sunset to get on one knee before you and finally popped the question? Too...romantic.

While Bill was a romantic guy, he didn't want to do anything too cheesy. The scene had to be just right. But he was really struggling with what to do. He thought you were oblivious to it all, but really, you knew him all too well, and when you noticed that he was entirely distracted one night, you confronted him.

"Hello? Earth to Bill?"

Your soft voice jarred him from his deep thoughts, and he blinked. eyes flickering to your own. He hadn't realized how zoned out he was. He attempted a smile. "Sorry. Was thinking."

"Uh, yeah, I noticed."

He sighed, fingers running circles over your arm as he held you, your bodies entwined while you lay in bed. "Hey," you said, propping yourself against his chest so you could fully see his face. "What's going on with you? You seem weird lately."

He paused, suddenly feeling his heart quicken. He was a terrible fibber when you were involved. Surely you'd know if he brushed you off and told you some excuse to appease you. "U-um, nothing."

You quirked an eyebrow, running your hand over his chest. "You sure?"
He fell silent, meeting your curious gaze. You looked so beautiful right then, with your hair falling out of your haphazard ponytail, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth, and your chin perched on your forearm. Then, his heart started beating even faster than it already was. Somehow, some way, he knew this was the right moment.

If only he could get the words out, but couldn't find the sound under his tongue. What followed was a bunch of stuttering, blushing cheeks colored by embarrassment, and a frustrated Bill pushing you off him as he decided he should probably grab the ring first.
But you pulled him back, gentle fingers smoothing through his messy hair.

"Babe," you hummed, "relax. You can tell me anything. You know that."

"Yeah," he replied, letting out a breath as he glanced down at his hands. Fidgeting, always fidgeting. "I just don't know...how to say it."

You took his jittery hands in your own, stilling him. "Humor me."

Where could he start? Should he profess his love for you, go on a spiel about how much you meant to him and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you? Or should he just present you with the ring and let everything else fall into place?

"Baby, I..." Hoping for the right words, waiting for the right words.

You took his face into your hands, leaning close to kiss him on the lips, hoping to calm him. He never got this worked up. "Bill, it's okay."

He brought his hands up to press against yours, and he closed his eyes for a moment before gathering his thoughts. "There are only twenty six letters in the alphabet."

dreamland (bill skarsgard one shots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin