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Winter Magic


Silently she wandered the world under her metallic skies, wrapped in white velvet, embellished with sparkling ice crystals, which displayed a myriad of magic colors, while the wind whistled in her honor a sweet melody. Snowflakes fell like petals from the sky, frosted diamonds that shined like plucked stars ornamenting the pines while elves, fairies and all the other creatures from the frozen forest bowed to the Winter Goddess, as she took possession of her kingdom, a proud sovereign of stunning beauty, her voice was a winter lullaby, a spell that conquered the nature and people's hearts.

Her icy eyes looked upon her kingdom and focused on one small dark-haired girl that wandered in her forest.

The cold danced up and down the child's spine, caressing her softly as it stung sharply as needles. Snowflakes danced across her hair and fell gently on her porcelain skin. Soft lips tinted a pale blue; cheeks light up a soft rose made the Queen smile. A vibrant blue cloak peaked through the snow, drawing attention to the girl's skin as white as snow. Her black gloves obstructed her hands, but the Queen suspected that if the cloak and gloves were to be removed, this porcelain girl would fit well in the fresh snow. A living tribute to her waking. The girl sat under the heavy branches filled with snow of an ancient tree, her sorrow filled eyes making the Queen frown.

Why would anyone be so desolated when the snowflakes sang silently a lullaby upon their head? Doesn't the girl feel the magic that was in the air? Wasn't she happy for the awakening of Winter? The Queen thought, looking more closely at the girl and trying to pluck - like one would pluck flowers in Summer – the thoughts that wandered through the girl's mind.

"Ah, sweet child," the Queen whispered, a smile blooming on her frozen features. "If a gown you want, a gown you shall have."

And with this promise made, albeit without the girl's knowledge, the Queen ordered her fairies to fetch her sleight for she had a ball to attend.

After all, why should the humans have all the fun? And, anyway, it was her annual ball so she must make an appearance.

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