Chapter 1

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Chapter One.

knock knock.

I sat up quickly in bed only to find my mother standing right above me. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and squinted at her.

"Why are you in here?" I asked.

"Time to get up!" She replied. "You should've been up over an hour ago! Hurry up and put your bags in my car! Time to GO!"

I looked at the clock on my bed stand. 9:30. Shit, I should've been up an hour ago, I told myself. I hadn't even packed. Shoot. Today was the day I get to get away from my dreadful family for a week, and I didn't even pack AND I overslept. What a great start to the day.

Rolling out of bed, I ripped off my covers and ran to my closet to throw on a shirt and some shorts. I found a luggage bag under my bed and emptied out half of my closet's contents into it. It was a pretty spacious bag, a bag that could definitely fit five days worth of clothes and other various items inside. I ran to my bathroom and shoved my toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, and some makeup into a bag and quickly shoved this bag into the bigger one.

I could hear my mom honking outside. How obnoxious.

I ran downstairs, noticing no one was home. Where could they have all gone at 9:30 in the morning?  I grabbed a water bottle and a cup of yogurt from the fridge for the long car ride ahead of me and went out to the garage and threw my stuff in the back of my mother's Tahoe. 

"What took you so long?" She inquired.

"Sorry," I replied. "I forgot to pack last night so I had to do it real quick this morning. Hopefully I didn't forget anything."

She put the car into gear, and then I remembered.

"Wait!" I cried. "I forgot the most important thing!"

I flung open the door and ran back inside. My saxophone was right where I had left it the night before, on the dining room table. I grabbed it, ran back outside, and put it in my mom's car.

"Sorry!" I said once more. "Forgot the most important thing!"

I tried to keep a positive attitude, determined not to fight with her the entire ride. I knew if she picked a fight with me this morning, I would be doomed and would be in a foul mood the rest of the day.

I looked back behind me to the backseat and did a mental check of everything I was bringing.

Bag, Check.

Cosmetics, Check.

Saxophone, Check.

That's everything that I needed. Before my mom could yell at me about something I had done wrong, I quickly put my iPhone headphones in and turned on some John Mayer.

I was headed to band camp.

more to come, soon!

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