t w e n t y - e i g h t

Start from the beginning

I feel Brad squeeze my hand reassuringly and realise that I've stopped walking.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I trail off before shaking my head. "It's nothing."

He nods before letting go of my hand. "This is your class."

I look at the door in front of me and realise it's my geography classroom. Suddenly Brad pulls me tightly into him, wrapping his arms around waist and my arms go around his neck without thinking.

"I'll see you at break." He winks as he pulls away and I nod.

I cheekily blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it before walking off with James and Tristan. Connor stays with me as we're in the same class and we go in together, getting in just because the tardy bell goes.

We settle into our seats and take out our books to quickly write down what's in the board. Throughout the lesson we pass note to each they and hide our laughs behind our hands when the teacher looked at us.

I hadn't really talked much to Connor before, but it turns out that he's pretty cool. He's Scottish (which is obvious from his accent) and he owns a pet bearded dragon Rex, which explained out past confusion about who Rex was.

He tells me about his favourite bands and why he started to play the bass guitar. I find that we like quite a few of the same bands and we bond over our shared interest in them

The bell for the end of the double period rings and we stumble out of the class laughing as the teacher glared at us.

"You two look happy." James raises an eyebrow as we enter the cafeteria

"She's pretty funny." Connor shrugs and I laugh.

"I'm not funny, you're just easily amused."

I smile at Brad but see he has a small frown on his face which makes my face fall.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

The rest of break is pretty quiet apart from James' rambling about a girl he met. Apparently she goes to another school but she's thinking of transferring here. Finally the bell rings and I sigh in relief. Brad's silence has my mind racing, wondering if I've done anything wrong. Seeing him walking to our next class I run to catch up to him.

"Brad please talk to me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he sighs. "It's stupid."

"You can tell me, you know that." We stop and face each other as I look up at him with concern.

"It's just...I don't know I saw you all happy with Connor and I got jealous." He mumbles.

I couldn't hep it, I laughed.

"Are you kidding?" I ask while giggling but only receive a frown.

I stand on the tips of my toes and lightly kiss his cheek. "Brad, I like you. Not Con, not Tris. You."

"I know, I told you it was stupid." He takes my hands in his and we just stare at each other.

Slowly, he leans lose so that I can feel his hot breath tickling my ears. "By the way I never told you, you looked so fucking good yesterday in your running tights and sports bra."Then he straightens up and walks away as the warning bell rings, leaving me stunned.

It takes me a moment to regain my composure before running to my music class. I run through the classroom door apologising to the teacher and sit down in the chair next to Brad. I turn around to smile at Jackie and she gives me a look clearly confused by my flustered state. Tris smirks next to her and I refrain from sticking the finger up at him. I turn back around and jump when I feel a hand rest itself on my leg. Glancing to my right, I see Brad looking straight ahead like his hand isn't creeping up my stocking clad legs towards the hem of my skirt. I give him a 'really?' look and a small smirk places itself on his face.

"Alright so the groups are..." I tune out only returning my attention to Mr Cate when I hear my name. "Magenta, Brad and Abigail."

My heart stops and I look at Brad whose fingers have stopping tracing circles on my leg.

"Well this will be interesting." I hear Tristan mumble and I turn around to shoot him the hardest glare I could muster.

Hola! I feel like every chapter I'm saying sorry for a late update, but sorry once again I truly am terrible at updating. But I'm going to try and make the next chapter funny or interesting, or both :)
I hope you're having a great day and you're happy

How was your Halloween?

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