"Mmmm, yeah. Very special," Ryan hummed making me snort.

"I go to church every Sunday," Brendon reasoned.

"But you're still a sinner," said Josh.

"Being a sinner isn't technically bad."

"Yes it is," I said.

"Well then," Began Brendon. He stood up and climbed up onto the bench. "All you sinners stand up sing hallelujah!!!" He yelled out in a sing songy voice.

Every one in the church turned around in their seats and glared at the dark haired boy stood atop the bench and disrupting the mass.

Brendon stopped when he noticed everyone staring at him, even the priest. The boy gulped before screeching, "FORGIVE ME GOD!" He then ran out from the church.

Me, Josh and Ryan looked at each other in panic before sprinting out of the church doors after Brendon, despite the shocked look on Mrs.Wilson's face.

We ran after Brendon as he turned a corner and went sprinting down the side of the church. A few on-lookers stared at us four in confusion but we ignored it.

"Brendon, ahhh, s-slow, dow-down," Ryan panted breathless from running. "Oh God, I really need to do more exercise."

Brendon slowed down looking back at the three of us.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Josh laughed walking over to the boy.

Brendon shrugged smiling goofily. "Dunno."

Ryan was leaning against the wall still gasping for air. Brendon laughed walking over to the boy and resting a arm above his head.

"You sure you don't have asthma?" Brendon questioned.

Ryan nodded his head. "Yeah. I'm jus' really unfit."

A loud ding noise erupted from Brendon's pocket. The boy pulled out his phone and stared at his screen smiling a little.

Ryan furrowed his brows looking over at his boyfriend's phone. "Why do you have Dallon's number?" He spat out.

The dark haired boy looked over at the jealous red cheeked brunette staring at the messages displayed on the phone screen.

Me and Josh both turned to each other giving that type of look saying, 'oh Shit. Well what do we do now?'

I shook my head unsure. Josh furrowed his brows looking over at Ryan then back at me. I shrugged in response. "Leave them be," I whispered.

"I-i um he-uh," Brendon stuttered. "He gave it to-umm-me. Last evening. When we were uh, in the lobby."

Ryan hesitantly nodded his head. "Right uh. What's he texting you about?"

Brendon raised an eyebrow. "Why's it any of your business?" He didn't mean for that to come out in a rude tone of voice but he just couldn't help sounding pissed.

"I'm just curious," Ryan spoke, his voice raising slightly in annoyance.

At that moment, Stephanie came wandering around the corner, smiling when she saw Ryan. "Hey," she giggled placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ryan smiled at the brunette girl turning his body away from Brendon, who didn't look happy about her appearance. "Hi," he grinned. "You good?"

"Yeah," she giggled. "Mass just finished. It was pretty boring."

"I agree," Ryan chuckled tangling his finger in Stephanie's hair.

*ringy ring ringy ring*

Brendon's phone buzzed loudly. "Ooh, I gotta take this," he informed pressing the accept button on the screen and holding it up to his ear.

"Oh hey Dal," Brendon spoke cheerfully, glaring right at Ryan as he spoke. "Hmmm yeah," Brendon hummed slowly walking off.

I rolled my eyes turning to Josh. "Well this certainly can't be good."

The red haired boy chuckled. "Definitely. "

I smiled at Josh. His red hair was fading out a little to a more pink. It still looked good on him though.

"Tyler, you're staring."

My cheeks flushed pink as I looked to the ground. "I'm not."

Josh chuckled. "Sureee."

------------time skip------------

Evening soon came around putting an end to the day.

Jenna and I were seated outside of the villa on a cute little bench watching the sun set over the trees. I sat back with Jenna cuddling into my side.I missed times like these, our relationship had been falling away recently.

Nothing exactly felt right anymore. Even right now had me feeling uncomfortable. I ignored that feeling though because after all, she is my girlfriend.

My eyes couldn't help but wander over to were I saw Brendon and Josh hanging out in the distance. A pang a jealousy hit me hard.

I don't know whether it's because Josh was hanging out with my best friend or if I'd rather be with them than Jenna.

Maybe I'd rather be hanging with Josh than Jenna?

No, no no. I just not just think that.

I don't like Josh. At all. And I enjoy being with my girlfriend.

~BASKETBALLS~ (Joshler) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now