"How did you even find me?"

"Oh I had someone at the company track your phone."

"Isnt that illegal?"

"See being the heir to a billion dollar company gives me leeway. But anyways lets go. The guys and I are going out for wings."

In a meeting at Kang hotel, Lillian was standing behind her grandfather as he greeted the board members. Everyone sits down while her grandfather started the meeting.

"Everyone meet my granddaughter Nari." She stands and greets everyone bowing.

"Hello. I'm Kang Nari Soon." She says in korean then sits back down. Her Grandfather is intorducing her to the business. He wants her to know the ins and outs and to hopefully take it over by the time she graduates.

Once the meeting was over Lillian was so drained. Going back to her pin house apt in the hotel she throws all of the clothes off and put on a sweatshirt and joggers. Going through the back in the stair case she sneaks out the back door to outside. Anastasia was waiting for her right where they planned.

Asia complained, "Girl please don't tell me that were going to be doing this forever."

"Noo but just for tonight."

"Yay!! Sleepover!! Should we call Zara?"


Calling Bianca answers.

"TT!" Bianca cheers.

Asia reponds "Hi baby, wheres your mommy at?"

"Shes sleeping.....Mommy wake up!"

"No no Bianca let mommy sleep okay?"

"Otay TT."

"Okay well I love you."

"Love you too byeeee."

Hanging up Anastasia turns on music.

Asia thought about it, "Are you sure your grandfather won't be upset?"

Lily shugs it off, "Well the hotel general manager Karen is going to be pissed but Ill txt her so she doesnt alert my grandfather."

"Good but this is fun. I feel like I'm kidnapping you."

"Haha shut up."

At the Vine the guys were doing a prewinning celebration. One of the player mom owned the place so they got the while upstair of the club.

Jon got and sitting next to Adrian.

"Okay guys you already know we kicking ass and this boi right here is leading us to victory!" They all cheered and clapped.

Afterwards everyone started eating and playing video games and drinking.

Jaylen just mostly watched everyone. Adrian came to sit next to him.

"Like the guys so far?"

"Yeah I do. I didnt know it, but I kinda missed being on a team, I missed playing."

"Why'd you stop?"

"We just couldn't come to an agreement on somethings but that shouldn't be a problem here."

"Well good to know." Adrian relaxed around him. He also started thinking that Jaylen would be a cool dude to keep tabs on Asia.

Jon strolled over to them with drinks in his hand. Jaylen shook his head.

"Sorry I don't drink."

"That's fine." Jon said observing Jaylen. He hands one drink to Adrian and he downs the other one.

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