Hidden Life

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Life has been hidden away for years, hiding herself. She was married to Evil. Forced to marry him. Life ran away from him after hundreds of years. This changed the mortal's living for a long while. When Life ran, she took two young God's with her. One named Happiness, and one named Hatred. Life didn't know that this would also effect the mortals, but she can't take her mistake back.

Happiness is a charming little boy. He always has a smile and is upbeat. He influences many. Hatred was quiet the opposite. She didn't like doing anything and was always just sitting around. She didn't even really like herself. She hated Happiness, while Happiness liked her. He tried to cheer her up most of the time.

These two reminded Life of herself with someone else. The two hated each other. They were always battling. One causing wars and hate, and herself, causing love and happiness. This person was Death.

Little did she know, Death was still looking for her.

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