Chapter Twelve✔

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The bliss of their hermit life only lasted three more days before it was time to leave for The Burrow. Charlie had continued to be nothing but kind and sweet. He brought her way more tea than what should have been consumed by one human being, and tucked the blankets in around her to keep her warm in the now chilly weather.

Rory wouldn’t admit it to him, but she did admit to herself that she didn't want it to end. She wanted to stay in their secluded cottage, curled up in the bed with Pip and Charlie. Somehow, they had become close, intertwined almost.

But, here she was, Charlie fussing over her as he lead her up the slippery slope. She was able to walk now, without limping. Her wounds had healed nicely outwardly, thanks to the aid of magical potions, and were now faint scars on her arm and stomach. They were barely noticeable, compared to the others that healed of their own accord. But Charlie still traced them with his fingers every night, a look of blame hidden behind his eyes.

He didn't listen to reason. He somehow blamed himself. Sweet Charlie, always scared of hurting others. That’s what she adored about him. He cared so much about the creatures that surrounded them, and she was so happy to be included into that all encompassing affection and care.

He caught her smiling at him as they paused at the doorway. They could hear the sound of the family gathered in the warmth of the home, but were not ready to exit they're bubble quite yet. "What? You've been staring at me like a loon all day." He laughed as he reached up stroked her jaw with his right hand. A zap went through her torso, and she pressed herself against him.

Around them, soft snowflakes were beginning to fall and stick to their hair and clothes. A small flake landed upon his eyelashes, and she wanted nothing more than to reach up and kiss it away.

"You make me absolutely looney, Charlie Weasley." Rory grinned, pushing herself up onto her tip toes.

He snorted, rolling his eyes as he leaned forward. His mouth was only a few inches from her own, but he paused. "That is quite possibly the cheesiest thing you've said to me yet, Miss Collins."

Rory giggled, biting her bottom lip as she gazed into those deep green eyes. "Buckle up, I have more where that came from."

"Trust me, I can't wait to hear them." He said then, his voice coarse, and his lips were only a hair from hers when the door swung open and they were bathed in the warmth of the Burrow. The pair scrambled apart, Rory's face on fire and Charlie smiling sheepishly.

George Weasley stood in the entry way, eyebrow raised and a devilish smirk on his face. "We'd love to hear all of them too, Rory. Mind elaborating, or so you want to go back to snogging our dear Charlie?"

Rory's jaw dropped, and Charlie laughed, grabbing her hand and leading her inside, shoving past his younger brother. "She's just a colleague." He defended half heartedly. Rory has to convince her heart to stop sinking into her stomach. By the boiling cauldron, Mrs Weasley smiled knowingly. Rory avoided her eyes.

George laughed loudly, the rest of the room turning to focus on the ruckus. "Yeah, I snog coworkers daily."

Angelina, George's wife, snorted. "I would hope not, seeing as Ron help's you part time." She laughed.

George lost his attention of the new pair, swooping his new wife into his arms. "You help me alot too, and we do way more than sno-"

"George Weasley!" Molly scolded loudly, waving her apron at the pair. They burst into child like giggles and he put her down, quickly fleeing the room with his mocha skinned wife behind him. At this moment, a barking Pip ran eagerly to Molly, who frowned as she waved her apron at him. "I told you to leave him at home, Charlie. You know how I don’t like dog hairs everywhere."

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