Chapter Four✔

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      "Rory, quick! Over here!" Charlie called from Rory's left, and she jumped up quickly. She had been laying on her stomach on the leaf covered forest floor, watching a pair of Fire Beetles scurrying around, their shells dancing with the movement of flames. She hadn't even realized her partner had wandered off as she gazed at the magical insects in fascination.

   She wiped leaves off the front of her red flannel, running over to follow the sound of Charlie's voice.

    "Charlie?" She called out, Pip pausing at her side as he sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent of the man Rory felt she was always chasing after.

    "In here!" He called again, and Rory took off again, crouching under a low hanging branch. When she stood up she gasped at the sight she saw, her hand flying to her mouth in awe.

It was a massive cliff, a cave nestled on top it. The cliff looked down into the rowling hills covered in the fading autumn trees. A small river ran down the hill, ending at a massive lake. It was breath taking.

"Want me to get the address for you?" Charlie called from the cave entrance, causing Rory's gaze to snap to his own.

"Excuse me?" She cocked her head as she walked up to him, and he shrugged, digging his hands into his pockets.

"Just wondering. Since you spent the last 5 minutes salivating over it."

Rory snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes as she pulled her wand out. "You are hilarious, Charlie Weasley."

She heard his soft chuckle echo in the cave entrance. "Not really, that would be the twins-"

Rory turned to him, an eyebrow raised when he cut himself off. He avoided her gaze, and strood ahead of her.

The twins?

She shook her head, following him with the tip of her wand lit. Only a few more steps in and they reached it.

It being a massive nest of tree branches, littered with bones and scales. It stood shoulder length with Charlie, which was pretty massive consideeing the Weasley, while the shortest of his brothers, was still 6 foot.

The nest of the Romanian Blue Tail.

"Charlie, is this-?"
"Yes, Rory, we found it." He turned to her, and she swore she saw the ghost of a smile grace his features in the dark cave. "And look. Look inside."

He quickly scrambled to the top, leaning over and offering a hand for Rory. She gripped it, noting how it was calloused and rough. He helped tug her up, and she stood up shakily at his side, bracing herself against his side. 

When she steadied herself a grin over took her face and she held in a squeal.  "Charlie! Those are eggs!"

"Trust me, I know." He was staring at her now, intently, and the woman felt the smile fall from her face. He slowly reached up, his hand brushing her hair away from her forehead, causing her cheeks the flush. A spark shot through her, the same spark that shot through her the first day she meet him, when she was 13. The feeling of electricity was undeniable, and she fought the urge to grab him by is typically annoyed face and just kiss him.

Then, as suddenly as it happened, he pulled back, a rotting leaf  his hand. "This was in your hair." He infromed the blushing woman before jumping down into the nest.

She scowled at his back as she followed him down.

Ugh, men.


Dear Rory Collins,
It is our deepest regrets to inform you that the disintegrating health of your father, Patrick Collins. We at St. Mu-

Rory placed the now heavily wrinkled paper back down, biting her bottom lip as she studied it uneasily. Her father was getting worse.

While she had known there was no way he would get better, for some reason the thought has never crossed her mind. He was supposed to stay in limbo, so she never had make a decision.

She eyed the letter again, having read it atleast 6 times in an attempt for the information to sink in, and now that it slowly was, she wasnt sure she wanted it to.

A moment later, another owl arrived, addressed from Brinley Tate. Brinley Tate was one of Rory's oldest friends. She was the only person on the train platform to see her off as she journed to Romania.

And she was the only person who knew about her father, and worked with him on a daily basis.

Rory couldnt bare to open the letter. She already knew what it would say.

Charlie was down right cheerful today, by Charlie standards, atleast. He petted the owl who had delivered the letter softly, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Once they had gotten samples from they quickly made there way back to the cottage, Charlie eagrly sending a letter explaining the sampled back home to Willy and the Professor and the Foundation of Incredibly Rare Magical Creatures, which was the group paying for the pair to be surveying.

And while he saw the Harold the Owl off, a tawny one swoped in, dropping off a package and going to take Harold's place on the perch, staring demandingly at Rory.

But she had been to absorbed in reading the letter, her brown eyes darting all over the page.

Harold came back as they were finishing their dinner, sandwiches and chips, in near quite.

He swooped in, dropping the letter on Charlie's plate. Then returned to his perch, closing his big eyes.

Rory grabbed a chip and walked over to the bird as Charlie read the letter rapidly. She petted the white owl softly, and he nestled his face in her hand in appriecation.

"They want us to head to London in a few days." Charlie informed her as he stood up. "They want to confirm the samples, and possibly set up an expidition."


Charlie waved a pair of train tickets in the air. "Tonight. We'll Floo to Rupea, and take the train from there. It leaves in a two hours."

Rory nodded wiping her hands on her jeans before heading out of the kitchen and into her room to pack.

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