Chapter 2 Coughing

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"Excuse me, are you okay?" He heard a soft voice say.
  Justin quickly glanced down and saw a pair of teal flats. He stepped back and just kept quite, realizing he made a big mistake.
  "Holy hell," he whispered to himself,      "I'm in the girl's bathroom."
  He slowly began to panic even more and could feel his throat drying up. He didn't what to do in this situation.
He could lie, maybe he could swing the door open and just run, or maybe he could just talk to her. His mind was rushing with all sorts of ideas. Before he could even put any of them into action he saw the head of the girl peek over the stall.
  He was sweating a lot now. She instantly looked surprised but then just softened when she noticed the state Justin was.
  "It's fine to open the door," she said, "I won't do anything."
  Justin just looked up at her with worried eyes. He took a deep breath and opened the door right away.
Taking a better look he noticed it was the girl Connor took a picture of. He did notice some features he didn't notice before like the fact that she does indeed have small fangs, her hair was a really light pink, and her skin was quite pale.
  "Heh are you some kind of vampire?" Justin asked, his voice sounding hoarse.
  Her faces dropped and she looked nervous and anxious.
  "Nope!" She replied with a laugh.
  "Oh snap she might be one!" Justin thought to himself.
  "Anyways, are you okay?" She asked. "I heard weird pants and cries coming from here so I thought maybe you were sick or something."
  Justin just looked away from her and didn't say anything. He couldn't tell some random girl he was puking up flowers.
  "I ate something bad and need to puke." He lied.
  She didn't look convinced. "Are you sure?"
  "Yup, now I'll be going or else the next girl that walks in is going to scream." Justin added.
  She glanced over at the door and just sighed. She grabbed his hand and dragged them near the door. She peeked around to make sure no one was around and then pulled Justin out. She then lead him behind the stairs.
He wanted to pull away but he felt he wouldn't be able to escape. Her grip on him was as tight as a tightrope.
  "Soooooo." Justin said. "What's your name?"
  "Um I'm Melissa Drop," Melissa stated, "sorry for not introducing myself."
  "I mean I probably wouldn't introduce myself either." Justin admitted, "My name's Justin by the way."
  The two just stood there in awkward silence after that and didn't know what to do. Justin probably thought that he should leave but as he turned away Melissa began to speak.
  "Were you bleeding?" She asked.
Justin turned to her with face full of shock. He quickly tried to fake calm demeanor.
  "No, why you asking?" He questioned. Melissa just gave a look of great concern.
  "I can smell blood," she stated, "and it smells like it's coming from you."
  She then leaned towards him and tried to examine him to find any cuts or scratches. Justin just stepped back and looked at her fearfully.
  "That sounds kind of creppy." Justin stated, laughing nervously. Melissa gave no reach and just leaned closer to him, sniffing him. He was feeling more uncomfortable then ever and just wanted to get out of here. She just ignored him and continued to smell him.
  "Is your throat alright?" She asked.
Justin only froze at these words and before he could even answer he started going into a coughing fit. He turned away from her and coughed out roses. Melissa just stared back in terror and had no idea what she had to do.
She quickly looked from behind the stairs and made sure their was no one in sight. Unfortunately she spotted a boy with black hair wearing red flannel. She grabbed Justin and pulled him closer to the shadows of the stairs. He was still coughing every rose, and with each cough she'd notice his eyes getting wetter. She prayed that the other boy would hear them at all.
She could soon hear the sound of the boy coming closer. She looked back at Justin and saw that he finally stopped yet his expression looked so pained and drained. She was about to comfort him when she heard someone else.
  "Justin?" Both Justin and Melissa looked back at him. Justin's eyes just grew wide and he hid behind Melissa. He can't believe what's going on right now and was ready to run.
  Connor just looked around and was horrified by the display of roses and blood all over the ground. He notice how pale and pained Justin looked and could only assume that this was from him. He tried to move towards him but Melissa just blocked him away.
  "Um hey Connor?" Melissa said, uncertain if that was the right name. "Justin uhhhh is tired so I'll take care of him." Connor just moved her aside and reached out to Justin.
  "Are you okay?" He asked, softly patting Justin's back. Justin didn't respond and just looked away from Connor. Connor felt even more concerned and tried getting Justin to face him.
  "I once knew a girl with this case," Connor said, "just tell me who the girl is and maybe we can get her to like you back."
  "It's not a girl!" Justin shouted, taking both Melissa and Connor by surprise. Connor's never heard Justin shout like this before.
  "Then we'll find him and hope he likes you back." Connor reassured. "If not then I'm sure your parents can afford the surgery, I heard it's not that expensive."
  "It's not that easy." Justin muttered. He quickly pushed Connor away and ran off. Connor was ready to chase after him but Melissa stopped him.
  "We should probably clean this mess up before anyone sees." Melissa suggested. Connor stared back at her and just nodded. Quickly the two stared to pick up all of the roses and petals that scattered over the floor. Connor was constantly checking the time making sure that they'd get this done before the bell rang. What worried him more was the thought of cleaning up the blood. He near felt comfortable seeing blood and was scared of even touching it.
  Melissa on the other hand was already rubbing it off with some baby wipes she kept in her pockets. She looked to be super concentrated on getying the stains out and hand Connor some so he could help out. The two of them just spent the rest of their lunch period cleaning the floor.
   Later through out the day Justin made sure to stay as far away from Connor as he could which isn't that hard considering half of their classes were far from each others and had only one class together, but they weren't even near each other at all. He knows he probably shouldn't avoid him but  he can't help It, he's too scared to face Connor. He doesn't want his help cause it'll only make things worse. He doesn't know what to do at all.

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