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"Lily!" I call out, knocking on her dormitory door. She whips it open, eyes crazed. "Thank goodness you're here." She yanks me inside and slams the door shut. I blink once, inundated by the amount of clothes she has strewn all across the room. "What seemed to be the problem?" I ask slowly, placing my bag down on the foot of her bed. She flops back onto it, eyes closed. 

"No date. No outfit. I'm screwed." I sigh, moving a bright purple dress that really doesn't even make sense that she owns to the side before sitting down. "Lily, stop stressing so much. We're going to work this out. We have- " I check my watch. "- 2 hours until we told Sirius and James to meet us downstairs. "James?" She asked, tilting up her head. I nod. "It doesn't mean that you guys are going together, he just doesn't have a date and I didn't want to leave him alone." I nudge her shoulder. "Just like I'm not leaving you alone."

I yank her up and open the closet doors. "Okay. I will find you an outfit." She nods. "Okay. Good luck." Within a few minutes, I come up with a white skater dress and white knee high socks. She gapes at me. "How did you find that so quickly?" I waggle my eyebrows at her. "Magic. Dark magic." She scoffs and throws a pillow at my head before walking into the bathroom to change.

 I dig through her chest to find the skirt I was looking for and change into my outfit. It's a deep red wine colored skirt paired with a black shirt. I have on combat boots with black socks. I place the  devil ears on my head gently and tug the skirt down. It was a lot shorter then I had been expecting. Lily comes bounding out the bathroom, outfit on with her added accessories. She squeals loudly when she sees me. 

"I would be mad about you stealing my skirt but I can't!" She sighs happily. "Sirius is going to absolutely FAINT when he sees you." Olivia, who is getting ready on the bed across the room, snorts."Oh please, he already does that." I blush and throw a pillow on her direction. I sit down and give myself a dark red and black smokey eye, and complete it with a bold red lip. I look at myself critically in the mirror. "It needs something else." I mutter, turning. 

Olivia digs through her trunk before tossing me a blood red leather jacket. I gape at her wordlessly, before threading my arms through the sleeves. "Thank you but why on earth do you own this?" She throws a hand at me. "I went through a punk rock phase." I assess myself in the mirror again. Now satisfied, I stick my wand in my boot and follow Lily down the stairs. 

Sirius POV

I see her laugh at something that Lily said and I can't help my eyes as they trail up and down her body. It's in that moment that I realize I truly love Kylie Evans. I love every inch, every curve, every hair and every drop of blood. She's stunning, she's captivating. She's everything that i knew her to be and more, and I thought that she could never get more beautiful then she already was but she again proved me wrong. 

As she walks down the stairs and stands in front of me shyly, I can't even begin to form words with my mouth. It's like I'm incapable of speech. When she does that little impatient flip of her hair, I nearly melt on the spot. "Sirius?" She whispers, biting her bottom lip and rolling up onto her toes and down again.

Kylie POV

As I laugh at Lily's reaction to Sirius's costume, I look him up and down and pause. He looks good. I'd always thought of him as cute, and I always knew that he turned heads every where he went, but in his tight leather jacket and biker outfit (which didn't really vary from his daily wardrobe, but I wasn't complaining) he looked seriously hot. I stand in front of him and face him nervously. I do my little hair flip, a habit that I'm trying to break, and he blinks a couple times. "Sirius?" Lily giggles, covering her mouth with her hand as she watches us in delight. 

"You look good." I start, grabbing his hand tightly. He shakes his head. "You look amazing." I smile. "Thank you." He shakes his head again. "No, you don't understand you look amazing and just-" He sighs, as if he can't get words out of his mouth fast enough. "Gorgeous. Utterly and wholly gorgeous." I blush a deep shade of red and look down at my feet. He tilts my head up and I connect my lips with his, rolling up on my toes to be closer to him. 

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