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"You don't need me." I stare at them. "If you needed me, you wouldn't have screamed at me because I had a boyfriend. Just because he's a Muggle, doesn't mean he's a bad person. You guys make me sick."

I roll back over onto my side, tears prickling my eyes. I feel weight sink down on the side of my bed, but I don't look up. I close my eyes, and watch as memories slide past my eyelids from my brain. Faces, mostly. The boys. Happy, sad, angry, upset, confused. These boys are my family. I don't realize the tears have escaped my eyes until I feel Sirius wiping them away with his thumb. I look up at him, and see he's close to crying as well. "Please, Ky. I couldn't live with myself if you never forgave me." He says, the tears falling from his eyes now. I look up at him, my eyes glassy. 

I was at my worst. Ratty hair, gross pajamas, dried blood plastered to my face. I had a giant gash above my eye that I didn't know at the time, but I would forever have a scar for. But in that moment, the way Sirius was looking at me, I felt really, truly, beautiful. 

"We do need you." I wipe his tears away with my thumb.  James, Remus & Peter, line up behind him. I furiously wipe away my tears. "God dammit, why do I have to be so damn emotional?" They all laugh. I sigh, and lean back onto the bed. "How come I can't stay mad at you all?" They all gather around my bed and give me a hug. "So, tell me about Operation A." I whisper. James counts on his fingers. "Well, Sirius is a dog, I'm a stag, and Pete's a rat." I laugh. "Wow, classy." Peter blushes. "Now, the only one left is you." Remus says, leaning back on his chair. I look around the hospital wing. "Well," I flip the covers off of my legs. "Let's go then- shall we?" I slip out and dart towards the door, pressing myself up against the wall of the corridor. They all file out after me. "The Room?" Peter suggests. I nod. I'm barefoot, so I'm nimble on my feet. "You sure you should be out so soon after the injury? I don't want you getting sick again." Sirius says worriedly. James snorts. "Cool it, lover boy." I raise my eyebrows. 

"Lover boy?" I repeat, making quotes in the air. He blushes. "That is his new nickname, because he didn't leave your bedside at all when you were unconscious." Remus says, laughing. "Really?" I say, turning to Sirius. He shrugs and blushes. "I ate and stuff." "Barely." Peter says. I wrap an arm around him and ruffle his hair. This was a struggle, because he's so much taller than me. "Merlin, do you look like a couple." James says, shaking his head. I laugh. "What makes you say that?" We reach the room and go inside. "Here, I'll show you." We stand in front of a mirror, arms hanging loosely at our sides. Sirius cocks his head. "I don't see it." He says. I nod. "Me neither." James rushes over and starts fussing with us. 

"Okay Sirius, put your arm here, Ky, yours here, and lean here-" He rearranges my body, and eventually gives up. "Moony, you help them." Remus rolls his eyes. "Sirius, put your arm around her shoulders again. Ky, just pretend like he's your boyfriend. Sirius, you pretend like she's your girlfriend." They cover the mirror. "If you see what you look like first, it won't have the same affect." I look at Sirius. "We're seriously doing this?" He shrugs. "Why not?" I sigh, and lose all dignity I ever had. "Okay. You asked for it." Sirius puts his arm around my shoulders and I wrap an arm loosely around his waist, hooking a finger in one of his belt loop. 

I lean into him and he squeezes my shoulder. Peter looks at us, speechless. "Okay, I see it now."  I blush and look at Sirius. He shrugs. James and Remus are speechless. "Where did my two best friends go?" Remus says, leaning back on his heels. "Right??" James says. Peter grabs the blanket and pulls it off the mirror. My gaze falls on the two people in the mirror, because it definitely isn't Sirius and I.

The couple's curves complement each other perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle. He looks so easily in love with her, like she was his everything. They complemented each other perfectly. His stance made it obvious that he would protect her at all costs. She leaned into him as if he was the world, and she was just a star.

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