"I didn't have to tap her." I tell him.

"Yeah, she's so docile that she'll follow any of the other horses without being told to. Even ole Midnight here." He says patting Midnight's neck affectionately.

We ride for awhile in companionable silence. I'm truthfully just enjoying the scenery here. Wide open land with tall grass, some wild wheat growing in random places, and sunflowers as far as the eye can see. I look to my left at hearing a noise and see a couple of small foxes playfully jumping around in the grass. It brings a wide smile to my face.

I hear an intake of breath and look up at JJ. He has an expression on his face I can't unravel.

"Skye, you are normally stunning, but when you smile like that, you take my breath away." My face reddens at the compliment, but I can't look away from his gorgeous eyes. He's looking at me like I'm the most precious thing in the world.

"Thank you." I tell him. "You aren't so bad yourself. Pretty sure I could stare into your eyes forever." Where did that come from? Oh, well. It's out there now, no taking it back. Oh shit! His megawatt smile is lighting up his face like I've never seen. He called me stunning? I've got nothing on this guy.

"Skye, you amaze me." He says bringing his horse over and leaning over to side hug me. It's a bit awkward since we're both on horseback, but I'll take it, and him, any day.

We ride for a bit more time when I finally see the small pond up ahead. The area around it has been freshly mowed, and there are several cows drinking from it. I immediately pull on Lady's reigns to get her to stop. My breath shortens as I feel a panic attack coming on. Lady can obviously feel my fear, as she starts to snort and whinny. At the same time JJ is looking around for the source of the fear he can feel from me.

His eyes follow my line of sight, and land on the cows.

"You're scared of cows?" I can only nod my head because my throat is closed so tightly. I glare at him and dare him to laugh, but there isn't a single sign of humor on his face. Wish he could send some o that calming energy right now, because I'm wound as tight as a spring.

He kicks Midnight into action and takes off at a full run toward the cows, yelling "HA" over and over. They look up at the sound of the thundering hoof beats, and take off in the opposite direction, their hooves making an even louder thunder sound.

As they run out of sight, my heartbeat calms and I can suddenly breathe again. This causes Lady to instantly calm, as well. JJ halts Midnight right next to me and hauls me off lady and right into his lap. I'm startled, but the warmth of his body against mine is welcoming. I snuggle against and accept his comfort.

"Can you tell me why you are this terrified of cows? They are completely harmless creatures."

"Do you have any idea how many times in my life someone has said that to me? I honestly have no idea why I'm so scared." I tell him on a sigh. I've had to explain this so many times. "I've never had a bad experience with one. As far back as I can remember, any time I've seen a cow in person, it induces a panic attack, and it doesn't go away until the cow is no longer in my sight. Made going to petting zoos really fun." I tell him with a little laugh.

His hand is moving up and down my back in a soothing motion, sending chills through me. His chest is rock hard and soft all at the same time, as I rest my cheek against it. His chest rumbles as he speaks.

"It was the same feeling as the other night, when you were at work." I raise my head up and look at him.

"You could feel that?" His chest thrums with an affirmative answer.

" It took all of our control to keep our wolves in check. They wanted to go to you immediately, but we didn't know where you were."

"Our? Wolves? As in multiple?" I am so confused.

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