Playing With Chance - Chapter 29

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"Elizabeth, there isn't anything to indicate that you didn't just spend the night at Brandy's house.  No cuts, no bruises, not even a scar.  Just skin."

Shocked I looked down at my arm.  I slowly turned it over, looking for the signs of attack that I knew should be there, only to discover that he was right.

"How?" I asked in wonder.

He didn't say anything for a long time.

Looking up I found him with an uncomfortable look on his face as he tried to think of a way to explain my miraculous recovery.

"Chance?  How did you make it go away?"

"Um......  You may not like the answer to that......." he replied without looking at me.

"What did you do?" I asked worried.  

"Well, when I said that there wasn't a single mark on you, I lied.  There is one scar on your neck that you will never be able to get rid of....."

I looked at him with confusion, "I don't remember getting my neck cut up.  They said it was too easy to kill someone that way...."

"They didn't put the mark there.  It was part of your..... healing process."

"That makes no sense..."

"When Elliot came to visit he mentioned that he explained some things to you about werewolves.  Did he happen to mention how mates work?"

I nodded my head, not sure where this was leading, "I think I called them soul lovers."

"What all did he tell you?"

I scrunched up my nose, trying to remember what he told me, "I think I changed the subject to politics really quick.  All I can remember him telling me was that the little voice in your head tells you who your soul lover is."

"Is that all he told you?  He didn't tell you anything about what mates do when they meet, or anything about what the werewolf does if his mate is a human?"

I thought about it for another second, trying to think of anything else Eliot told me about the subject, "Nope, nothing about that.  The only other thing I remember is that he wouldn't tell me if you found your soul lover."

"That's because it's considered extremely rude for him to do that."


"Because as a general rule, if a werewolf's mate is human, they should be the one to explain what's going on to the person...."

Why would that rule apply to this situation?  It's not like....

Wait.  Is he saying....

What did Hope say about me in regards to him?  Wasn't it that he had a special place in my heart, just like I had a special place in his.....?

I could feel my eyes growing wide with realization.

"I... I... I'm your...." I stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

He just nodded his head, and let it sink in.

I felt like asking him why he didn't tell me, but I figured I knew the answer to that question.  When I found out about him being a werewolf I freaked out, and called him a monster.

The next question that came to mind seemed like the answer wasn't quite as obvious, "What does this have to do with me healing so quickly?"

He got a relieved look on his face when he realized that I wasn't going to run screaming from the room, but it quickly changed back to the panicked look he had when I first asked about the topic, "Well....  When the doctor got to you he totally freaked out.  I guess you were in worse shape than anyone he'd ever had to deal with.  That's saying something since werewolves have major anger management issues when they first change.  He was worried about how much blood there was.  To be honest, you looked like you were rolled down a hill of knives.  That isn't even taking into account all the places that I could tell you had been beat with someone's bare fists..." at this point anger entered his eyes, and he had to stop talking for a minute to regain his composure, "The doc didn't think you would survive.  He didn't know how you stayed conscious as long as you did, and I don't think he believed me when I told him that you were the one that put the knife in that one guy.  There was only one thing he could think of to help you......"

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