The mystery

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I read somewhere that there was an elf that had the ability to talk to anamals and grow plants in an instant

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I read somewhere that there was an elf that had the ability to talk to anamals and grow plants in an instant. So I grabbed a blank page and wrote...

At the book market  there was a book that I got that read about an elf that could talk to anamals. She passed that ability to her son and he to his daughter. I wonder what her name was, first and last. Maybe I know someone of whom is her descendent.

I put the quill down and grabbed my mirror

"Magic mirror what time is it?" I said pointing it toward the wall. Words appeared in gold that said

"It is not time for dinner but lunch hasn't passed." The mirror always spoke in riddles but luckily I'm really good at them. So I grabbed some lambas bread from my bag and broke off a bit.

 So I grabbed some lambas bread from my bag and broke off a bit

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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