13th Birthday

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"Mom there doing it again!" I screamed

"Antor, Alma give Aurora back her ring!" Yelled mother from across the room. The boys Antor, 15, and Alma,14, took of her ring and handed it back to her. 

"I'm glad Legolas gave me a ring to turn me invisible." I said putting it on and disappearing. I took it back off and put it in my bag.

"I'm going for a walk mom." Said Antor grabbing his bow and quiver.

"Be back for dinner." She replied as he ran out the door. I went to my room to hide with all my gifts. When I got in, I shut the door and laid all my stuff on my bed. There was an elven spell book, a doll that turns coloers depending on what creatchers are neer, a sword, a bow and quiver, wings, and my ring. I took my green pouch with gold designs on it and put everything except for that of my weapons and wings into it. I wrote mom and dad a letter, put on my ring and slipped out the window.

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