Ella: Aw, sorry. You should meet up with him, maybe get that connection back with him, but not the connection we have! I'm your best friend!

Riele: Okay, thanks El. And yes, you are my best friend. You should come over after dinner, since it's my last day.

Ella: Okay I'll be there. Love you.

Riele: Love you too.

I hang up the phone and I head downstairs because the scent of spaghetti hits my nose. My mom is at the stove cooking away and my dad is on the phone talking with my brother I believe.

One thing I am definitely going to miss is my mom's delicious food and my dad arguing on the phone with someone.

I go and sit down at the dinner table and my dad gets off the phone. My dad sighs as he comes to sit by me.

"What's wrong dad?" I ask.

"Nothing baby, it's just I'm gonna miss you" he says.

I get up and give him a tight hug. I do feel bad that I want to leave so soon, but I am ready, I'm ready to go. I don't want my parents to be all depressed, I want them to be happy to see my go out and succeed my dreams.

"Don't worry dad, I'll come back, I won't be gone forever" we both laugh, my mom brings the pot of spaghetti to the table.

"Riele, go get the garlic bread out of the oven" my mom says.

I go over to the oven to and pull out the garlic bread. I come back with the bread and we all dig in.

I'm definitely going to miss this.


After dinner I rush upstairs. My phone is blown up with missed calls from Ella and messages from Jace.

I call Ella back and tell she can come over, then I open up twitter again. Jace has spammed me. I find it kind of cute.

Jace: Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that.

Jace: But if you want to meet up, we can.

Jace: You could also block me if I'm being annoying... I'll totally understand.

Jace: If so, that would hurt, because I want to be close to you again.

My heart is beating faster and faster after every message I read. I laugh at some of the messages, typical humorous Jace.

Riele: sorry, I was eating dinner, I'm back.

Jace: Oh sorry, didn't mean to spam you.

Jace: Wait, yes I did.

I smile.

Riele: ok then, yes I'll meet up with you. and i guess i want to be close to you again, but Jace, you really broke my heart. after what happened, you left and never replied to me.

Jace: I know, it was the biggest mistake/regret of my life! I was dumb. I apologize 1,000 times Riele. I truly do.

Riele: ok, we'll talk about this later, i have to go, bye.

Jace: Bye.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and Ella comes in holding a present. She immediately sees my phone and snatches it away from.

"Who's this Jace guy you're talking about?"

"Well hello to you too" I say

Ella sits by me, I get my phone back and I show her the messages and she's just as shocked as I was.

"Oh my gosh Ri, this is Jace? He's fine as hell! Ella says.

I roll my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" Ella yells.

"What's amazing?" I ask.

"You guys are gonna fall in love, get married, and make the most beautiful kids ever!" Ella yells.

"Slow your role, I'm never ever going to marry Jace, not even elope with him! We are just trying to be friends again." I say.

Ella's phone starts ringing.

"Riele, I have to go, but I don't want you to leave" Ella says and tears start to form.

I stand up and give her the longest hug possible. I really am going to miss our sleepovers every weekend, and our after school hangouts. She's my best friend, I don't know if I'll survive without her. Now here comes my tears!

"Ella, I love you so much. I will miss you so much too. Please come visit me, and I'll come back home anytime I can." I say.

"I love you too Ri, and I'll start a GoFundMe so I can visit you. I'll miss you, but go out and be successful. I want the best for you." She says.

"Thanks. I want the best for you too. I wish you the best of luck for senior year. "

"Thanks, I'm going to need it! Bye Riele, have fun in NYC" Ella gives me one last hugs and heads towards the door.

"Wait! I forgot about your present!" Ella says running back and hands me the present she dropped on my bed.

I smile and start tearing it open. It has some of my favorite candy, gum, lotions, perfumes, and a very old picture of Ella and I at Disneyland. That was one of the best days. I start crying for real. Ella hugs me for a long time again.

"Thanks Ella. You got me crying!" I say.

"Okay, I'll go now. I don't want to cause anymore tears. We'll FaceTime everyday. I love you Ri" Ella says.

One last hug and she leaves. I'm definitely going to miss her. It's going to be even more
emotional with my parents.


new jaele story !

hope you enjoyed that first chapter!

sorry if it's kinda cringey👌😂


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