Chapter 1

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School otherwise known as hell

A place that has haunted my dreams

Somewhere I have not been for 153 days

People don't lie when they say school is a living hell

It's true ever since that day I know its true

It's been four months since that day, the day that I will never forget

She's gone and she is never coming back

She was everything to me, without her I am nothing, I have nothing. People say 'you either exist or you live' I do not want to live without her, without her I do not even exist. I am nonexistent. I remember the days when I wanted to go to school, when the term 'School is a living hell' was just a saying to me. People joking about it because they do not want to do their homework or sit in class and take notes. But I know it is true. The devil was born in my school and he still lurks in it.

A single tear falls out of the corner of my eye down to my cheek, creating a salty wet surface. I quickly wipe it away before taking a deep breath and looking up to my school once more. The dark clouds looming over the dark brown building. The wooden shingles slowly rotting away, the school board to lazy to replace them. They use the excuse that they are preserving the history of the building, but know one believes that bullshit. I take one more deep breath before stepping out of my car and closing the door. Slowly I start to join the massive crowd of students walking towards the front entrance to the school.

Welcome to hell


Yay a new book!! So yeah I'm not really going to write anything here because I will just feel like I am talking to myself..... So BYE

Oh and sorry that this is really short but it's just the beginning

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