Stolen-Chapter 14

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—Two weeks later you were sitting in the family room of some guys house, you were curled into Jack’s side, your legs curled underneath you his arm around your shoulders. Sam and Johnson were sitting in the couch, before you, smoking weed. You and Jack had had a couple drinks but you both decided not to get tonight. You guys still weren’t together, it had been weeks of dates and movie nights. He kept slipping you little kisses, heated make out sessions here and there. It was going great, he was perfect, but you wanted to be official but didn’t know how to bring it up because he never did. The week following the day at your locker, Jack seemed distant, like he had something better to be doing than be with you. But the second you pushed him into the wall of his bedroom and kissed his neck, demanding him to tell you where he’d been, he covered your mouth with his and had his sexy way with you. Since then, everything was just perfect.

You glanced up at Jack and he looked down at you with a smile, “Can you take me to Country Thunder this year?” You asked him.

“Sure,” He answered without hesitation.

“Really?” you asked, leaning upwards and looking at him. He hadn’t had that much to drink, so he must be thinking right. “Even though you don’t like country?”

His fingers drifted up your arm and he leaned down with his lips brushing yours as he spoke, “I’m not gonna miss the chance to see your sweet ass in little blue jean shorts and cowgirl boots,”

“He’s so whipped,” you heard Johnson say to Sam.

Sam laughed and Jack turned to glare at Johnson, you laughed and swung one of your legs across his lap so you were straddling him. You tangled your fingers in his hair and placed your lips right by his and relished in his fingers that dragged up the back of your thighs and rested on your bum. You grinned as his friends began to tease him, singing in mockery about him being whipped.

“Did you notice how he isn’t denying being whipped?” Sam noted.

“Who the fuck would with a sexy girl, like that, in his lap?” Johnson slurred.

“Don’t worry, Jack, I think you being whipped is sexy.” You told him, moving your hips slightly. The 3 wine coolers you had didn’t have much alcohol in them, but you sure suddenly felt really confident and sexy and with the way Jack’s eyes had darkened, his lips turning into a smirk, only fueled your movements.

“Is that so?” He asked you, nipping at your lower lip. His voice was dripping with lust, low and deep, sexy with the rumble of words. His voice always did something to you, it made your belly squeeze and flutter with butterflies.

You closed your eyes and nodded, awaiting his lips to greet yours. Your relationship with Jack had been physical, who wouldn’t have a physical relationship with Jack, but the better part of it was emotional, and you loved that.

Jack stared at you in wonder; he never understood what it was about you that kept him so fascinated. Was it the way you didn’t have to wear makeup to send guys into a tailspin, or the color of your eyes? Maybe it was your laugh, or smile? He loved your long legs, but loved them even more when they were wrapped around his waist while he was buried deep inside you.

“Y/N,” Jack spoke quietly, not taking notice of his friends that had left the family room. The second you opened your eyes his heart fluttered. Your eyes were shinning and lined with dark lashes, no need for mascara tonight.

You had noticed the quietness in his tone so you leaned into him, the sexual-ness leaving you guys. “Yes, Jack?”

“I…. I need to tell you something,” He stuttered.

You smiled and his abs tightened. You were everything to him, but could he say it? “And that would be?”

Stolen- Jack Gilinsky Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now