More Adventures...

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This chapter will be interesting, I decided I need to make them longer because I'm a lazy shit.

Okay another funny thing I remember being little, my family went to Disney land, soooo fun. There were many adventures, I went on the Terror Of Tower and it was amazing, I was only tiny when I went on this and felt sick after heh, whoops. 0-0      Another thing is that my mum thought this Nemo ride was going to be nice and calm, NOPE. There were loops in it and jump scares from sharks. She didn't enjoy that.... I also remember the teacups, I absolutely LOVED them, spinning and turning through the cool end, my dream.

Another horrid thing I did to my sister was lock her in a shed... yeah. It was a cool day and I was 'playing' with my sister. She started to agitate me so I decided, oh yeah, sis I think we should play  with something in there. She went in and suddenly heard a Clunck. The door was locked. It was sad really, I didn't get any cupcakes until I apologised. ;-;

We always went to this steam fair in England, SOO much fun. It was awesome, so many steam trains and tractors. But as a kid my favourite part was THE CHEESE!!!! I got this really vintage cheese and fell In love with it. But I don't get that anymore ;(.

Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be super long though. I PROOOOMISE.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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