Chapter 2

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He lied to me. So when someone lies to me I take it as a huge offense. You guys don't know me. That's why I'm here, that's why I'm writing. I'm ignoring Derek Hale. You may not know why. You may not care, but I do. You see the Alpha Pack did something to me. So to get back at them, I wanted to kill her. She did this to me. She killed my family, and I will kill her.

"Are you seriously still ignoring me? Because I did nothing wrong. I knew what you were going to do, Danny I knew you were going to kill them." Derek said .

'Yes, I'm still ignoring you.', I thought. I didn't want him to talk to me. He kept it from me for weeks and he expected me not to find out. But of course I did , I mean, who wouldn't? I can't believe that he's still trying to talk to me he's been trying to feed me, I haven't eaten, well choose not to. Can you believe him? What he thought I was going to waltz right back into the kitchen, make some type of combo sandwich. Except he was wrong.

"Seriously? You gotta get over this Danny. I forgave you when you told me that I..." I interrupted him when he tried to speak.

"I hate you! All this time, all you've been doing was complain! About me! Me! I should be angry with you!" I shout. "All you've been doing is complaining about me, while you've been doing nothing to find them! Erica and Boyd are out there! Waiting for you!" He's in here, asking for me to speak to him? No wait scratch that, begging me to speak to him! Except they're somewhere suffering, in pain. Or worse, they're already dead. 

"You're begging and pleading for me, while they're in there with the Alpha Pack, begging for them and pleading for them to stop, to show mercy. You're just here waiting for me. Stop, stop waiting, stop pleading, stop begging for me and just go find them. That's what will save them. Not waiting on me. I know that pack, I know those alphas. I also know that they won't hesitate to kill them!" He looked taken aback by my words, yet he contained himself. His soft complexion was gone and now replaced with his harsh exterior.

"Fine. If that's how you want it." He bluntly agreed, to which I nodded. It was true, I would be angry with Derek for as long as I want. That shouldn't get in the way of finding Boyd and Erica. 

"That's how I want it, so now that we're on the same page, let's go find your betas." I said.

"I'll call Scott." He suggested.

"I'll call Stiles" I suggested. His face gave me a very annoyed eyeroll. The famous Hale eyeroll. I laughed and his soft interior demolished his hard exterior and he laughed and smiled as well.

"I'm glad everythings back to normal. " He chuckled.

"Don't get to use to it, nothing lasts forever."


"Isaac relax it's a simple ritual." I assured the young werewolf who was fidgeting around the room non-stop. After explaining that Peter's claws were supposed to go into his neck, he was a bit freaked. 

"If it's so simple then why can't you do it?" He pleaded, I walked up to him, reaching my arms to calm him down a bit. 

"I was never an Alpha, it's used commonly between them, and it's a practice they learn over the years. I know it, but I can't do it." I explained. "Peter learned it from Talia."

"Why can't Derek do it?" He asked.

"Because I don't know the ritual." He replied, then Isaac gestured towards me.

"Isaac, I may know it, but I can't teach it. That would still require some sort of victim." His eyes widened at my poor word choice and I gave him a reassuring pat on the back. He'll be fine, Peter's done it before..I think?

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