Rain, Pain, Go Away

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"One is told when a door closes, another one opens, but no one prepares you for when the storm hits and no one comes to the door." ~P

Phoebe's POV
My alarm goes off for what feels like the thousandth time this morning, making me want to chuck it across my room. I don't want to face the world today, it gives me no reasons to want to get up.

Even the weather is crappy, just like my mood. Thunder grumbles loudly as rain beats the ground and I find myself wishing a tornado would come and destroy the hell hole that I call school.

But my hopes and dreams are crushed as always, and my problem remains, surviving today alone. I roll out of bed not caring for the first time in awhile, tying my hair up in a messy bun and throwing on some baggy sweatpants with a loose tshirt. I drag my lazy ass down the stairs.

I can't believe it's ONLY Tuesday.

The thought of staying home treads my mind, but as I reach for an apple, I tell myself to suck it up and force myself to keep walking and get into my car. It's one of those days where you just need silence, and so I don't play any music as I drive. All I can hear is the rain pounding around me and the consistent squeak of the wipers.

I drive just as slow as I feel, resulting in every car passing me and people laying on their horns. I don't even have the energy or desire to flick them off in disgust today, I just rely on the rain as an excuse for my sluggishness.

I finally park and head inside just barely making it on time. But I rather run back outside into the storm than face the day that awaits.

Before I can change my mind a hall monitor charges at me, "head to class young lady".

I turn around, rolling my eyes and trudge all the way up to the 3rd floor for my 1st period class. I look back at my wet footprints that trail behind me, wishing I could follow them back to safety. Instead I make my way into the classroom, and all heads turn in my direction.

I avoid all eye contact and as I plop down into my seat, I barely hear my teacher remark, "Nice of you to join us today, Phoebe".

The rest of the school day is uneventful and drags on.

Every time I catch a glimpse of Gen or Sienna I duck into the crowded hallways purposely avoiding them at all cost. In the classes I have with them I am the first one there and the first to leave. I'm not waiting around for their apologies.

They have crossed the line and have damaged our friendship for good.
I don't want it to end but I really just want friends who will treat me right.

Enough about them though, it's time to move on.


All day I've been counting down the periods and minutes until I can leave. Just this period and I'm out. Well, at least I thought.

"Phoebe Anderson," my teacher stands over me holding out a pass from the dean. All my classmates make ooooing noises as he slides the slip onto my desk.

I mentally slap myself for forgetting that I have detention today. Just great.

I look at the slip, my smiling photo doesn't seem to match the stern words written on the paper. I'm reading over it when the 1 hour detention catches my attention.

Wtf?! 1 hour detention! For something I didn't even do. Fuck my life.

Aaron, the guy who sits next to me leans over whipping the paper out of my hands.

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