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The rush of pain made his heart beat quicken, the adrenaline kicking in activating his fight or flight instinct. He knew he could not do either though he was in this situation because he choose to be. There were several sets of eyes on him as the pain washed over him with each hit. On the ground now he prayed that it would soon be over after all he had not passed out even after all of this.

"Alright that's enough. I still need to talk to him and you have been at him for almost five minutes now." The whole reason he was here finally called off the man who was beating him. It was a small price to pay to move up into the real ranks. Jungkook was tired of just being a dealer and wanted to be an actual part of the gang he had been working for.

"Congratulations; you managed to survive. I'm actually quite impressed how long you lasted. Welcome to the Yong Agma..." The man trailed off not really seeming to remember his name despite everything.

"Jungkook, the name is Jungkook sir."

"Ah yes Jungkook. Welcome to Yong Agma, I'll let you rest for tonight but I will have one of my men give you an address to come to by oh 9am tomorrow. There you will get your first assignment. I think I know exactly what you will be perfect for. Don't be late or all of this will be for nothing you hear me? I don't like people who waste my time." With that the man turned on his heels most of the other men following him except a thin man who was just a little shorter than him who look like he could have just woken up with how messy his hair was. The man scribbled something down on what looked like a scrap sheet of paper before handing it to him.

"Come to this building and go to floor six, there are only two rooms on that one you want the one on the right. Don't forget and don't be late. The names Tae by the way if you need anything ask for me not the boss okay?" The man looked him over before walking away towards where the other men headed as he lazily scratched his head. Jungkook doubted he was going to really be able to get any sleep tonight but he could at least try after a hot soak of course.

Walking home would not take him very long but it would give him plenty of time to think. No one had told him how he should dress for tomorrow but nothing he could do about that now. He kept wondering exactly he would be doing. Yang dealt in a myriad of things but all of them were things to be sold everything from drugs to people. Drugs he knew and could deal with, fire arms were new to him but that would still be relatively okay but he just could not see himself dealing with selling humans whether it be one night or permanently. Deciding thinking about it would do nothing but give him a headache he decided it would be best just to take a hot shower and go to bed.

Staring at the paper Jungkook read it over again making sure he had deciphered it properly before looking at the building number on the side of the building. It was a residential building from what he could tell, why he would be here was the one thing that kept eluding him. Shaking the thoughts from his head he opened the front door stepping inside. The first two things he saw as soon as he was inside were two large men wearing all black their faces turning to him the moment he stepped inside the door.

"State your business punk." Jungkook had to bite his tongue for a moment to keep from giving the man a sarcastic remark.

"The name's Jungkook. Yang sent me here, said to come get my first job from the sixth floor right door." The two men looked at each other and laughed at some joke they seemed to share. Even the man at the front desk seemed to know the joke too. The other large man came over to him silently giving him a good pat down before moving out of the way.

"Just precautions ya know. Got precious merchandise up on the sixth floor. All I have to say is good luck with your new job. I would not want to be you, it honestly doesn't surprise me they gave the job to a rookie. Anyone who knows anything about Yang would refuse the job even if it meant death." Jungkook just stood there surprised for a long moment before the man who gave him the pat down was pushing him towards the elevator.

"You have five minutes to get up there or you will have far worse problems than just Yang getting onto you." He went into the elevator silently the large man hitting the number six button for him. There was nothing going through his brain other than him questioning whether this was really worth it. What could possibly be on the other side of that door that had men willing to kill themselves than deal with it?

He stood outside the door collecting himself before knocking on the door. There was no answer so after a moment he knocked again but herder this time. He heard a door open but it was not the one in front of him but rather the door that would have been on his left and was now towards his back. Turning he looked to see a man standing in the doorway a silk robe barely covering his toned body. The man was smaller than him but had more definition and curve to his body.

"Good luck getting that door open hun. You must be the fresh meat they tricked into working security detail. The name's Jimin by the way." Jungkook gave him a small bow introducing himself trying his hardest not to stare at all the exposed skin in the other man. He knew he was not into men but it was hard to pull his eyes away from the beauty of the other man.

"I seem to only have two minutes to get in that door or I will be kicked out. Any ideas on how I can get inside. It's really important to me to not get kicked out on my first day. Not after what I went through yesterday." Jimin made a noise that seemed like he understood before moving across the hall making his way around him to the door. He gave a patterned series of knocks on the door before waiting. A few moments later the door was opening and there was a woman standing there in a similar robe to the one Jimin was wearing.

"You lying brat, why did you say you were alone when you clearly aren't. Did Yang send up another man to try and be my baby sitter?" The woman seemed very dejected at his presence. Jungkook was quickly realizing why the men downstairs had wished him luck. She was going to be quite the handful and this whole situation was starting to become quite the headache. How was this a step up from dealing?

"I knew you wouldn't open up any other way and he seemed to be cute at least. Figured you might want to play with him for a bit before kicking him out for good ya know." Jimin was lounging himself against the doorframe to her place making sure that the door would not be closed on them but also making sure he could not get in just yet. What exactly did he mean by "play with him"?

"I guess I could let him in for now just so I don't have to hear it from Yang. You better be coming in here too I don't want to be alone with a stranger." She made a sour face before moving out of the way of the door.

"But of course Nabi my love. I would never just let strange men in here without supervising. What if they try to take advantage of the goods?" The small man just chuckled as he walked into the suit everyone here seeming to have their own jokes that hopefully he would be a part of instead of the target of.

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