October 11, 2012

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October 11, 2012

Adam POV

I wake up to Neil walking around pounding on everything with his new drumsticks. I grab one of his extra sets and stand behind him.
"Hit one more motherfucking thing and these sticks die," Neil immediately turns around and his eyes fly to the sticks in my hand.
"You wouldn't"
"Don't test me Sanderson,"
    I watch as a smirk starts growing on Neils face and he taps my head with one of the drumsticks in his hands.
"Fucker," I say as I snap the sticks.
"No! My babies! Adam you fucking bastard!" Neil pushes me against wall.
"Don't you put your fucking hands on me," I say, pushing him back.
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want," Neil slaps me, and I stumble backwards.
I manage to get behind Neil and I end up basically choking him until Brad comes and pulls me off of him.
"That's enough you two!" He yells and holds me back as I try to get away from him. "Adam, stop picking fights with everyone who tries to talk to you and grow the fuck up."
"You grow the fuck up ass hat." I try to hit him, but he changes his grip on me so he has my arms pinned to my sides. I struggle to get him off of me.
"We have our first acoustic show for this album tomorrow, so you better fix whatever the hell your problem is before then."
    We don't have a show tonight, so once Brad finally lets go of me, I grab my laptop and go back to the lounge to spend time with Jeanie and Mabel. I end up going on YouTube and listening to Corey Taylor, both Slipknot and Stone Sour, and Mabel comes to lay on my laptop. I laugh, and see Jeanie taking our picture. Then I get a post notification on Instagram. I open the app and see the picture she just took, and I smile even more.

"Hey Jeanie, can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course Adam. What's up?" She says as she sits down next to me.
"I think I want to leave the band. I don't want to stop making music or anything, but I just think it's time to move on."
"I'm sure the guys will understand. When do you plan on telling them?"
"I don't know. I was planning on telling them soon but not actually leaving until we finish touring for Transit but I don't know now. Maybe I'll leave after this tour."
"You just have to do what's right for you babe," I nod and leave YouTube and switching to mlb.com to watch some baseball games I missed earlier in the season. My all time favorite team is obviously the Toronto Blue Jays, but I also love the Boston Red Sox.

After I watch a baseball game I close my laptop and put it away. Jeanie' s sitting on the floor playing with Mabel, and I smile before sitting next to her. Mabel runs up to me and drops a ball in my hand, which I gently toss to the other side of the small room. Jeanie and I lean against the wall, with her head resting on my shoulder and my arm around her.

After we've been playing for almost half an hour, Mabel curls up in her bed, which is right next to me. I cover her with one of my shirts and smile as I watch her sleep.

After awhile, I start to get uncomfortable on the floor, and I also need a drink, so I get up and grab a bottle of whiskey before moving to the couch. I don  plan on getting completely wasted, because I know it'll just lead to more fights, and those will gap pen on their own without the help of my drinking anyways.

As I sit down, my eyes catch the razor on the table and I have to fight the urge to pick it up. I look down at my and see all of the scars covering them, mostly recent ones, with dozens of deep ones. It a wonder I'm not dead. I know the only thing keeping me here is Jeanie. If it wasn't for her, I would be long gone. I look up at her and smile, which she notices.

"What''re you think about there?" She asks.
"Oh just about how you've somehow put up with my bullshit and stuck around for almost 10 years, and how lucky I am to get to call you mine for the rest of my life."
"You know I'm always going to be right here next to you Adam, I couldn't imagine life without you." I smile and she comes over and sits next to me, taking my hands. "I'll never leave you. I promise." I smile, and gently kiss her left hand.
"We should announce or engagement." We've both liked fan pictures from when I proposed in Detroit, but neither of us have posted about it. We pick four pictures to make into a collage: the one from when we first met at the end of our first tour almost 10 years ago, one of me on one knee proposing, one of us kissing after she said yes, and one of us holding hands with hers on top, showing her ring. I send her the collage and open Instagram to post it. I caption my picture: to Jeanie: the love of my life, my other day half, my whole world. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were going to impact my life, but I never expected it would be to this extent. You've put up with all of the stupid things I do for almost 10 years now, and I don't know how you did it. We've definitely had our ups and downs, but no matter what we always ended up stronger than before. You loved me through my personal ups and downs. Thank you. Thank you for loving me, for supporting me, for always being there for me, for all of the memories we've already made, and all the ones we will continue to make for the rest of our lives. You've changed my life, and I've known for a long time that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and I'm so glad you feel the same way. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I can't wait to finally be able to call you my wife. Thank you for making me both the luckiest and the happiest guy on earth, Jeanie Marie, I love you.

I post mine and the first thing I do is like Jeanie' s. I smile as I read her caption: Just meeting you was a dream come true, I never would have imagined being lucky enough to call you my husband. I'll never forget the night we met, no one ever forgets the night they meet their favorite singer. I was beyond thrilled when you gave me your number, and then when you asked me out for the first time. I wish I could describe how I felt when you asked me to marry you. Our relationship hasn't been the easiest, but I knew it would be hard from the beginning. Every tour, I've counted down the days until I would finally get to be in your arms again. You've made me the person I am today, and if it wasn't for you I would probably be a completely different person. I can't believe we've known each other for almost 10 years. There have been some great ups and some horrible downs when I thought there would be no way for us to bounce back and we would end up breaking up. But that just shows you that when you're with the one you're meant to be with, there's nothing that can break the two of you apart. I can't wait to finally be "Mrs. Gontier." Thank you for all of the opportunities you've given me Adam. You have been as long as we've known each other, and you always will be, my better half. I love you.
- the future Mrs. Gontier <3

My eyes met Jeanie' s, and I've never been happier than I am right now.

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