October 6, 2012

45 7 0

October 6, 2016

Adam POV

I wake up to someone yelling. Neil must have found his drumsticks.

"Brad you are so fucking dead!" I lay there laughing, waiting for him to realize it won't come off. And soon enough, he's yelling at Brad again while I'm laughing.

I get up and go out to the main part of the bus with the rest of the guys to see Neil frantically trying to get the glitter off of his drumsticks, but with no luck. I look at him and start laughing, and he looks up at me.

"Oh hey Neil. All you need now is a tiara and a dress." I say and Brad immediately starts laughing. Neil throws one of his drumsticks at Brad and the other one at me. I move out of the way and start laughing with Brad.

"Well, at least we know he can't aim." I say as he glares at me before getting up to grab the drumsticks, hitting me as he walks past.

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop. I get it. You're on your period." I say as he glares at me. The funniest thing is that he can't keep a straight face and ends up laughing.

"You know that's not coming off, right?" I say as I sit next to him.

"Fuck you Brad."

"Well at least you know that everyone will be able to see you."

"Whatever yeah okay. Isn't it about time to go do the soundcheck?"

"I believe it is." Barry says, standing up.

We all get off the bus and go inside. It's exactly how I remember it, and when we get onstage, everything is set up.

"How about we do World so Cold?" Barry suggests.

"Perfect." I say as the guys start playing.

"Sounds good guys." Neil says as we're walking back to the dressing room.

We have a couple hours until the show so we just sit around and talk.

"Hey guys, can we add a couple songs to the show?" I ask as we're getting ready.

"Of course Adam. What else do you want to do?"

"Last To Know and World So Cold after Someone Who Cares."

"Okay, easy enough."

"Thanks guys." They know why I want to add those two, but they don't say anything about it.


The crowd cheers and I see Brad coming up behind me, so I cover the mic with my hand.


"Look over there." Brad says, pointing offstage.

"What about it?"

"Just look."

"Fine." I look over and see Jeanie smiling, and of course, as soon as I see her I smile too. I go back to the mic stand to put the microphone down, and Brad and Barry follow me over to Neil.

"Okay guys, slight change of plans, looks like I'm proposing after all, so if she says yes, I'm doing an acoustic song like I originally planned."

"Good luck man."

I go back to the mic stand.

"Okay guys, another change of plans. I want to ask my amazing girlfriend to come up here with me." The crowd cheers as Jeanie walks up and makes her way over to me. When she get's to me, I put my arm around her.

"Okay, so this is something I've been wanting to do for awhile now, but I want to start with saying something first. Jean, you're amazing, and I've never felt this way about anyone else, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I take a deep breath before reaching into my pocket, grabbing the box, and opening it as I pull it out, dropping to one knee.

"Jeanie, will you marry me?" I watch as a smile spreads across her face.

"Yes!" She says, and I smile as I stand up, putting the ring on for her. As I kiss her, Neil decides to speak up.

"Congratulations to the future Mr. and Mrs. Gontier!"

The crowd starts cheering, and I hold up Jeanie's hand.

"To celebrate, I want to sing a song that I wrote for you." I say as Brad throws me a guitar.

"It's called Waste my Time."


We run off stage and I hug Jeanie.

"You guys were great!"

"Hey, so are you babe." The guys come over and pat me on the back.

We go outside and make our way to the bus. When we're about halfway there, I pick Jeanie up and carry her the rest of the way. We're both laughing by the time we get on the bus. I sit next to her and put my arm around her.

"Hey Adam?" Brad says.


"How you feeling now?"

"Great man. Thanks for asking."

"You actually look better bro." Neil says, and Brad laughs.

"True, he kind of does. Now, let's get to the music before he kills us." Everyone laughs while Brad goes to grab the guitars.

"How about you pick first tonight Barry?"

"How about we start with Burn?"

"Sounds like a deal." Brad says as he tosses Barry his guitar as he starts playing.

"Brad give me a guitar." I say.

When I get a guitar, I start playing One-X.

When we're done, I put my guitar down and look at Neil.

"Lest's do Give Me a Reason."


He starts playing No More. Something we haven't done in a while.

I look over and kiss Jeanie. She laughs, which, of course, makes me smile.

"I love you Jean."

"I love you too Adam."

She lays her head on my chest, going to sleep with a smile on her face. Today has by far been the best day of my life.

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