Ch 9: pentagon problems

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"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip questioned the group.

"Compared to the first time I say it's an improvement" Oliver noted.

"Oh yeah that was bad" Cisco agreed.

"I don't have their problems. I always feel fine when I do it" Barry said and Kara whacked him upside the head.

"Ow! Kara!" Barry complained holding his head wincing in pain. That hurt as much as a punch from girder. Oh yeah Barry was sure he had a concussion now.

Kara froze her eyes flicking to Miss Grant in fear however the blonde women made no indication that she had heard him. Her eyes clearly undressing Captain hunter. Kara scrunched her nose in disgust before turning her attention back to Barry.

"Don't mess with time Barry and don't say my name" Kara hissed.

"Your name? Ugh why?" Barry groaned.

"Because Miss Grant doesn't know who I am! And....oh my god did I hit you too hard?" Kara worried touching the spot where she had hit Barry lightly.

"Nope Nope I'm fine" Barry denied wincing at the kryptonians light touch.

"Sorry it's just sometimes I forget my own strength! And the fact that you only have super speed"Kara told him.

"Supergirl don't apologize. He deserved it" Oliver said to her.

"Heh. Boy is more foolish than Oliver. You don't mess with time. You mess with time. Time mess back" Yao fei stated wisely.

"Ouch. That guy is savage. He just threw some shade at the both of them" Roy whispered to Thea.

"Well obviously I mean he helped turn a frat boy into a kick ass vigilante. That takes mad props" Thea whispered back.

"Walk in the park. So where are we now?" Cold questioned.

"Somewhere in the fluctuating time of history" Cisco said stretching his arms. Harry reached forward and swatted Cisco's arms down.

"Damnit Ramon don't block my view!" Harry said crossly.

"Touchy Touchy" Cisco muttered and Jessie tried her hardest to stifle her laughter. It had been a while since the female had seen her father with friends.

"Washington, D.C. The year is 1986." Rip said his chair turning.

"Ooh I love the 80's!" Donna exclaimed.

"Mom please stop" Felicity sighed.

"No way baby. You've put up with it for years. You know how I am" Donna denied.

"We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation." Stein said.

"Because of course the nuclear physcist focuses on that aspect. Honestly Martin. There's more to life than Physics" Clarissa sighed rubbing her forehead.

"Well Some agree that physics make up-" Ronnie started but Clarissa shot him a look.

Ronnie ducked his head sheepishly. "Sorry. Still got a bit of stein rattling up in here" Ronnie said tapping his head.

"Caitlyn if he does it again slap him." Clarissa ordered.

"What?" The couple chorused eyes wide.

"It's a wife's duty to knock some sense into her husband when he's being an idiot" Clarissa said patting her shoulder.

"Oh I am in so much trouble then" Ronnie winced.

"Yeah you are mister" Caitlyn agreed kissing his cheek earning a grin from Ronnie and cat calls from everyone.

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