"so you okay now?" she asked and i nodded putting my phone away "yeah im good!" i said and she nodded "you gave us quite a scare, Ross more than anyone!" she said and i nodded "you'd think after four years of knowing i have epilepsy he'd be better with it, guess not!" i said and she laughed a bit,

We walked in her class and i took my seat next to Ross. After a quick explination of what Mr Hulter wanted i caught up with what we should have been doing just intime for English Lit.

Ross and I walked to Miss Birminghams class and took our seats infront of her desks "hey Jo, hey Ross!" she said as we got in and we were first there "hey Miss Birmingham!" we chorused as we took our seats,

"how you feeling?" she asked and i nodded "good you?" i asked and she nodded "better, good drawing by the way!" she said and i smiled "thanks!" i said and bit my nails "why you bobbing yor knee?" Ross asked and he had caught Miss Birminghams attention and she looked our way,

"ive got a craving and i cant take care of it!" i said and he nodded "not long until free period!" he said and i nodded "whats this?" Miss Birmingham asked raising an eyebrow "she smokes!" Ross said and Miss Birmingham looked at me,

"not the only one, am i?" i asked looking at Ross who shrugged "yeah at least im not bitting my nails and on edge wanting a cigartette!" he said and i playfully hit his arm "im surprised your mum and dad would let you smoke Jo!" at that my knee stopped bobbing and i heard Ross gulp,

"breath and count back from ten!" he said looking at Miss Birmingham as i clenched my fists, this is always a touchy subject. Miss Birmingham looked down at my clenched fists and raised an eyebrow. She noticed the rest of the class were in and got to teaching them but kept glancing at me as i stared the hell out of the black board.

I was asked to stay behind as the bell went, i had just controlled my anger i dont need to get it back up again. I sat on the edge of my desk as she collected in the books "what happened there?" she asked as she sat them on her desk and rested her arms on the pile while looking at me,

I shrugged "nothing my cravings got the better of me!" i said and she raised an eyebrow "when i had you in seventh grade you drew something on my board and lied about doing it, the way i knew it was you your eyebrow twitched everytime you lied!" she said and i raised an eyebrow,

"bullshit!" i said and she smirked "fraid not now tell me!" she said and i sighed "my parents are a touchy subject is all!" i said trying to avoid the thoughts of them. She raised an obvious eyebrow "did something happen, the last time i remember you were all fine?" she asked and i sighed,

"id rather not talk about it!" i said as the tears were in my eyes and i knew like hell she noticed "Jo is something wrong?" she asked and i shook my head "no im just allergic to dust and this class is full of it!" i said wipping the fallen tear away,

"come on you can tell me!" she said sitting next to me now. I sighed at all the memories of my parents that came flooding back that i had blocked, if i didnt i would be crying my eyes out-something im doing now and holding onto Miss Birmingham for dear life,

Good god this is embarassing!

Once i had let it all out i pulled away and wipped my eyes dry "man im sorry, i didnt mean to go there it just sorta happened!" i said and she smiled "its fine Jo but i want to know why you totally ruined my shirt!" she said and and i laughed lightly,

With a sigh i nodded "well i-i live ina c-care home. My p-parents they d-died..." i managed to say but i did stutter, the look of Miss Birminghams face was full of shock "what?" she asked and i nodded "eighth grade, the summer before ninth!" i said and i cleared my throat,

"can i ask how?" she asked and i took a deap breath "my gran was comming up and i was having an argument with my parents, they stormed out and left for my gran to pick her up at the station. They picked her up and made there way home but it was December and the snow was hard and icey the night before,

My dad lost control and went into a tree. My gran died from impact my mum and dad died at the scene. I was at home waiting for them nervous as hell. They didnt make it and told a police officer to tell me they loved me no matter what i had decided and i'll always be there girl. They died telling each other they loved each other!" i said holding back the floods,

Miss Birmingham looked at me the shock had gone she was just looking at me now "what was the argument about?" she asked finsing her voice. I looked away and bit my lip "i told them i was gay!" i said and let a breath out,

"they kept asking questions i didnt like and I got mad, they started saying odd things and promised to talk about this with gran and left but we never talked about it!" i said and a single tear ran down my cheek,

Miss Birmingham hugged me again and i cried lightly onto her shoulder. I felt safe in her arms which is freaking me out cos ive never felt safe ever not even with my parents they were always judgy people.

"you okay?" she asked and i nodded "i should stop doing that before i completely ruin your shirt!" i said and she laughed lightly "Dont worry about it!" she said and i nodded "thanks!" i said and she smiled,

"no problem,if you need to talk let me know!" she said and i nodded "i will!" i said and she nodded "if you dont mind now im off to have a smoke its killing me!" i said and she laughed lightly "you know smoking is killing you!" she said and i shrugged,

"big deal!" i said and she sighed "go before i strangle you for smoking!" she said and i laughed lightly. I went outside and to the big oak tree in the school front yard. I leaned my back against it and took a big puff of my cigarette,

With the way things are going, if i keep them up that is its gonna be one hell of a long year!

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