Entry 3

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The next morning Obi-Wan and I went before the council and informed them of everything that had taken place the night before. After Obi-Wan had finished telling them everything, Yoda spoke.

“Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan,” he said.

“More importantly find out who he’s working for,” Master Windu added.

“What about the Senator? She will still need protecting,” Obi-Wan pointed out.

“Handle that, your Padawan will,” Master Yoda said.

I tried to calm my excitement. I couldn’t let them sense how much this meant to me.

“You will escort the Senator back to Naboo. She’ll be safer there. And don’t use registered transport. Travel as refugees,” Master Windu commanded.

“Yes, Master,” I answered him. I continued, “As the leader of the opposition it will be difficult getting Senator Amidala to leave the capital.”

“Until caught this killer is, trust us she must,” Yoda said.

“Go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her on this matter,” Master Windu said to me. We bowed our heads respectfully and left. I immediately went to go see Chancellor Palpatine.

“Chancellor Palpatine,” I greeted him at the door.

“Ah. It is good to see you. I heard about your chase last night. You did very well,” he complimented me.

“Thank you, Chancellor,” I said, smiling. I walked all the way into his office. I didn’t bother to mention the obvious: that Obi-Wan had been there and helped out too. I was enjoying getting praised.

“I was wondering if you could help us,” I said.

“What is it?” he asked me. He stood up from his chair and motioned me over. Together we went over to his window that took up one whole side of the wall and looked out over the city.

“I’ve been assigned by the Jedi Council to escort Senator Amidala home. But with the upcoming vote, I believe it will be very difficult getting her to leave Coruscant,” I told him. “You know her very well. You were once her ambassador when she was Queen. Could you…” My voice trailed off as he started to speak.

“Say no more. I will talk with her. Senator Amidala will not refuse an executive order. I know her well enough to ensure you that,” he told me.

“Thank you, Chancellor,” I told him.

“So, they’ve finally given you an assignment, have they?” he asked.

I glanced down, almost ashamed of his tone. “Yes, Chancellor,” I said. I bit down the frustration and forced it down. I tried calling into the Force to help control my thoughts.

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