Chapter 42: Dummy

Start from the beginning

The whispering crowd came to a silence as there was a thud on the door. It creaked open as Avis made an entrance into the room, her footsteps echoing till she sat at the table which was taller than the rest as she greeted, "My greetings to you all, fellow CoDas."

Everyone humbly responded, "Greetings, lady Avis."

Avis gave a strong tone as she spoke, that of an experienced spokesperson, "I have gathered you all in this important meeting because we have come across a phenomenon." The people in the room, listened as Avis continued, "Although it was technically believed possible, there has never been a sighting of it being done in practical use among the thousands of years of our species existence. A Colorless, for the first time in the CoDa records, has been able to possess and influence a Faker."

The CoDas among the roundtable were surprised as they gasped and murmured to one another but kept their attention towards Avis.  "As you can see, the victim of this incident is Zack Kovlocke IllusionFrost, he has been feeling tired and had even lashed out at another CoDa due to the connection with corrupted Faker." Zack hid his eyes, looking down at the table as everyone observed his physique while whispers filled the room. 

Zack grit his teeth as his head twitched; the whispers felt like tiny flies, buzzing around his ears as he just felt like crushing them. He grinded his teeth as the little part of his sanity tried to keep him from lashing out. 

Emily noticed his behavior and placed her hand on his shoulder, he first flinched then glanced at Emily before relaxing. A CoDa among the crowd spoke up, a buff male around his teens with a stern voice despite his age, "Are you sure you shouldn't have Zack contained?" He looked over to Zack as he continued, "No offense Zack, but I just feel worried that you could perhaps...turn into one of them as well."

Zack was about to speak but was cut off by Emily, "I understand your concerns, Fabian, but I highly doubt it. It seems that his conditions are similar to the CoDas who had experienced trauma when their Dual Pulse was broken. However, while those who had their dual pulse broken got a chunk of painful memories from the human they connected with; Zack, on the other hand, is having those painful memories in small bits of it as time passes by."

Fabian inquired, "But how could Zack, of all people, have painful memories of himself? I thought-"

"You thought wrong..." Emily gave a sharp look at Fabian as everyone went silent. "Never judge a book by its cover." Emily wanted to say more but she held herself back. 

Zack looked at her, his eyes were lazy. He could hear the loud explosions and bombings in Iceland, the screams of the people during the war. His father, his mother and his little brother...All gone from a simple spark of light that sounded like thunder; beautiful yet destructive. But, he felt like there was more to these memories, he was missing something vital that he could not remember. 

Why didn't I know about the horrible memories before? Why do these memories come back to me now? Did Emily know about them before-...-before I remembered? 

What happened after the war? Where did I go? Who...was she? Who was that girl?

Avis sighed, "Please quiet down, I'm not done yet. There seems to be another problem that is suspected to be connected to corrupted Faker, we have found a forcefield of tainted energy that has been surrounding the ports of Gothenburg which were discovered by Emily as well as a few other scouts. The forcefield may be camouflaging all the  Colorless from any CoDas who can sense their auras which is why we couldn't find out about the forcefield until now."

"Those who come in contact with the forcefield will be blighted by the tainted energy. For now, we are gathering some CoDas with purification abilities to break the forcefield but there are no results so far. It is my suspicion that there will be a wave of Colorless coming into the city soon. How they will corrupt and taint the city is up to speculation, the most likely outcome is genocide." 

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