Chapter 8*

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My mother had just come to pick us up from our first day of school.I geus she noticed that Moonstar was a little out of it because she asked if anything was bugging her and that she could tell her aunt anything.But she just remained quiet.So my mother asked us how our day was we told her that we made lots of new friends .Mostly cause were royaltie she said that that bugged her too but true friends don't care about your title but about who you really are.And that it's important to always be happy and confident and you won't go wrong.
As soon as we got to the castle Moonstar went to our room so we asked if we could to talk to aunt Twilight .

So what did you want to talk about-twi

We wanted to talk to you about Moonstar mother-t

Yeah we want you to teach her about magic and how to control it auntie Twilight.-s

Okay .But why me -twi

Because you represent the element of magic auntie-s

I used to ,But I would do anything to help my niece ,she must feel so alone without her parents.I think Princess Luna would be better at teaching her But since she is not here. I geus I could teach her.-twi

Oh thank you Auntie Twilight I'm sure Moonstar would be overjoyed to hear this news.

As soon as I got back to the castle I went straight to my room and cried myself to sleep.

Next morning
I was up early and was ready for school Summerwind was still asleep so I pounced on him and tickled him until he begged me to stop .And then he tried to catch me so he could tickle me too.

Auntie twilight came in and asked if she could talk to me .So we went to the Throne room .And asked if I would like to be her personal student and that she would try to help me control my magic.
I was so happy I can't remember the last time I used my magic but was also very scared.I thanked her and she went to check on the boys.Because each morning she woke us up at 4 and it was usually still dark.I looked out at the last few minuter of my mother's beatifull night and the stars started shining brighter than before.And I could see my mother's face in the moon.She looked so proud and happy of me.I really miss her warm smiles and her body beside me as I sleep.But I know that one day she and my dad will return and we will be one big happy family again.Until then I just have to learn how to control my magic without anyone finding out about my families big secret because aunt Celestia made me promise not to tell anyone.

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