#1) Roller Rink

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In the fall of '83 love was in the air all over again. Kids got back together after spending the entire summer apart. Everybody went to hang out with their crew before the school day had officially started. Jocks were hanging out with the cheerleaders, punks with punks, and so on...

Melissa was sitting in the middle of the classroom, tapping her pencil, adjusting her scrunchie, and snapping her gum as always when a note was passed her way.  Melissa always helpped pass notes, but had never been the one they were addressed to.

The note read:


The girl with the beautiful hair and striking eyes, I've somehow found myself deeply and madly in love with you.

If you are interested, meet me after school at Skitty's. I'll be wearing a geometric button down over a yellow polo.

Hope to see you there.

She was crushed. She apreciattes that someone was sweet enough to want to be with her, but she didn't necessarily like guys. She knew that she was supposed to. She knew that liking girls the way she did was wrong. Maybe this will be the one guy that I actually do like. She thought to herself.

She spend the next hour trying to figure out how if she should go or not. Eventually she decided that this would be the right thing to do. Maybe it'll finally get her mom off if her case.


Melissa's mom wasn't home when she went to pick up her skates. She left a note on the kitchen fridge. Quickly she put on her skates and rolled out to Skitty's.

Looking for a geometric shirt, she took a few laps. It wasn't busy; it never is, but when you are looking for someone and spinning, it can be hard. After 15 minutes she decided to give up and sat down at the bar. "How stupid do I have to be to think someone would want to meet me here?" She asked the waiter. "I mean, I don't- I'm not looking for someone right now. What am I doing?"

"Well, I don't know baby. Who said that they'd be here?"

"Some guy passed me a note..." the waiter passed her a cherry coke.

"How do you know it was a guy?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is a popular place for the the local queers, and it's kinda tucked away. Maybe a girly was asking you."

"I wish, my friend."

"Did they say what they would be wearing?"

"Yellow polo, geometric shirt." She took a sip of the cherry coke, feeling like all hope was lost.

"Like that?" The waiter pointed to a kid leaning against the wall. It was hard to tell if they were a guy or a girl from the distance.

Melissa left her drink at the table and skated over to the half black half pink frizzy hair.

"Millissa?" The kid asked.

"Yeah, What is your name?"


The girls went and got a milkshake for two. They chatted for a while until a couples skate announcement came on. They dated for a long time after this, but broke up.after college. To keep the relashionship a secret they played it off as a very close friendship.

A couple days ago they saw each other at a grocery store. Melissa still has the half dies hair, she now has three adopted kids and a loving wife. Jackie had done some more soul searching and figured out that she was aro ace, she has lives with her best friend and parents many cats. They both went through a lot of shit, but they went through it together.

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