Chapter 1: The Worry Etched into Hearts

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What is taking my brother so long? This mission he is on, a top secret mission to Jakku, he said it is very important but wouldn't take too long; a day at most. It's been two. Even Prin--General Leia keeps reassuring me that he'll be back soon. However, it sounds like she was also trying to convince herself. That doesn't really help if she, too, is nervous. But she's merely doing her job.

I try to figure out what could be taking my brother so long, ticking the list off, possibility by possibility.

Poe and I are the best pilots in the Resistance, forever pushing ourselves over our ceaselessly raising limits and consistently rivalling each other--showing off constantly even. So the reason for his overdue return couldn't be anything to do with piloting....unless Poe got out numbered in an air or space battle.

Shivers run down my spine. It's not like any of the other reasons are any better, but most end in inevitable death. I can't help but worry. Poe is more than just my brother, he is my carer, my guardian. Ever since the deaths of our parents, Poe is my light that I cannot lose. And I'm scared that I just have. Despite always being able to sense him whenever he's close by, due to being Force Sensitive according to Leia (who is also Force Sensitive), I can never seem to sense him when he's far. So I have no idea on his current status.

I get pulled back to reality when I notice Snap, a close friend and a fellow pilot, sitting next to me, concern etched deeply on his friendly face. He silently studies me, knowing how I'm feeling without even asking but not knowing what to say. Around us, the Base are doing their daily duties; system's check, repairs, refuelling; the usual. Temmin "Snap" Wexley and I just look at each other, both knowing what's on the other's mind, the only person that's on everyone's minds that we all know could do this job....but obviously has run into trouble in the form of the First Order.

"He'll be back, Claude. I promise you. You and he are the best; why he's the leader of our squadron and you second. He won't ever abandon you. Especially at a time such as this" the fellow pilot soothes, giving me a gentle, comforting pat on the shoulder.

I nod and reply gratefully yet still sorrowfully "Thanks, Wex. I appreciate your words of comfort."

Giving me another pat on the shoulder, Snap stands up from the metal box he was sitting on to get back to work. I know I should get back to work myself, but my worry for the only family I have left has been affecting my thinking. And I know I can't let my feelings get in the way of my work, in the way of the ongoing war between peace and power. It could be fatal. Not to just me, but to innocents as well. And although I'd rather die to save everyone, including my enemies, I would rather die knowing that it wasn't for selfish and reckless reasons such as my concerns. War has always been about sacrifice and risks, even of really good personnel and those closest to us all. This hard-learned lesson can turn even those pure of heart into those with hearts of pure stones of ice, something everyone in the Resistance fears.

Sighing softly, I stand from the metal crate I was sitting on and walk over to my X-Wing, which was personalised like Poe's to indicate 'rank'. I give it a scan over before carefully checking over all components and systems to make sure that they're operating like they should. Poe had taught me to pilot. It was something the two of us did together, before being thrown into this chaos, when we both had free time in our hands, which was quite often to say the least. As I inspect my X-Wing, memories of those lessons surface, the pure innocence of the time now seeming surreal and almost long-forgotten.

Now sitting in the one-manned space vehicle, I absentmindedly gaze at the vacant space that my older brother's X-Wing normally occupied. It is gut wrenching to think the thoughts that currently clouded my mind, but there is no way of way of seeking comfort until I know what happened to my only family left. I am just barely hanging onto the last, thin thread that kept my angst in check and I fear that I'd lose it, and that it would be the undoing of me and those around me.

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