"michael, you're hurting me..."

"were there others?" i repeated, raising my voice.

moments past until she looked away from me, nodding slightly.

i let go of her and sat back in my chair, pressing my hands against my forehead.

she began to sob, panting. "i'm sorry. you were never supposed to find out."

"shut up." i said quietly.


"i said SHUT UP!" i cried. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

she cried even more, shaking her head.

"what do you take me for? a fool?" i asked, standing up, pacing around the room.

"of course not." she chocked.

i wanted to hit her.

but i couldn't. i could never.

"michael, this isn't you...everything's fucked up right now...we need each other..." she trailed off.

i snorted. "we need each other? is that what you say to all the guys?"

she rolled her eyes. "oh come off it, maybe i just got a bit bored."

i was taken back.

her true colours were coming out.

"you..you got bored. of me?"

"that came out wrong...michael it's all in the past. we need to be there for each other now. i keep seeing things..."

"you know what you need?" i asked her. she shrugged.


she chucked a bit. "you cannot be serious."

"you're going crazy, Alice." i went and sat down next to her again, being more gentle.

"IM NOT CRAZY!!" she suddenly yelled, beginning to shake again.

i presses my lips together, gently taking her hand. "i'm gonna get you help."

and with that i got up and began to leave.

"i don't need help! michael, you here me?! i don-" i ignored her, walking out of the room.

i looked around, debating what to do. i made my way over to his door, peeking in before i entered.

i opened the door, sighing at Luke. he looked lifeless. his skin was discoloured, he had various cuts and bruises all over his body. everything was silent except the constant beeping of the heart monitor.

"hello hemmings." i began, sitting on the seat next to his bed. i looked at him and took a deep breath.

"how are you?...stupid question. but knowing you, you'd probably say something like "i'm breathing right?"...i miss you. we all do. but i'm not gonna lie man, i'm really pissed at you right now.

you slept with my wife...you've probably been having a secret relationship behind my back aha...i'm hurt but the thing is i just slept with your fake girlfriend...so pay back, yeah?

but that's not even the main reason why i'm pissed at you. i've been pissed at you for ages. i'm pissed that you're not here right now, that you had to go and get yourself run over by a fucking car. i'm pissed that you left us, and you might never come back. i'm pissed that you made me meet Izzy.

she's incredible, me and her...we have a connection. i feel like she's been a part of my life for so long even though i've only known her for like 4 months.

and i slept with her Luke! my wife is sitting here in hospital going crazy and i slept with another woman. i didn't even feel bad at the time...what's happening to me?

i need your wise words right now. i need your welcoming voice, i need you. i have ashton and calum who listen but you hear me. what do i do luke?"- a tear trickles down my cheek-" how am i supposed to live like this?

your child...alice miscarried...that's something you'll have to live with when you wake up...if you wake up...but you will wake up luke! you have to! you can't leave me!"

i began to sob like an actual baby. the sound of the door opening made me jump up.

i looked at Izzy, trying to quickly wipe my tears away.

"oh my god, michael..." she ran over to me and took me in her arms as i sobbed into her shoulder.

and we just stood there, holding each other.


heyyyy guyssssss

sorry it's been so long ah

this chapter is really deep. it was also quite hard to write. i suppose it reflects me right now...i have some things going on in my family right now and i guess this is a way of getting my own feelings out as well as conveying them with how michael feels right now.

thank you for 300!! that's crazy aha.

updates will be very slow at the moment as i have exams and stuff i apologise.

that's all for now, stay fab my friends x

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