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hElLo tHiS iS tHE sPoOpY sPeLeToN sPlUb aNd...

No jk.


I would like to introduce you to the new and official
Spoopy Speleton Splub
Here, we can just talk about all the crippling depression that I have and the problems my parents are having

No, I was just kidding
See? It's getting pretty sPoOpy already.
But we can just talk about all the problems that Jessie is having.

No, I'm fr this time.

I mean, I haven't really thought of anything that we could actually do because I was just like
"oH, wHaT iF tHeRe iS sOmE cLuB aBoUt sPoOpY n' sHiT? iDK, lEt'S mAkE oNE."
And that's how that happened.

I guess we can just do anything for now... But it'd be great if
Over there could help me a little..

But now I have to give some credit to some other members (that are leaders) idek know what being a leader of this is supposed to mean.. But.. Imma just go with it..


@ovaryakted (me)
I love them, but they can also be a pain in the ass, mostly Jessie.. But I'm sure they could say the same about me.

How to become a Speleton

Last thing (and it might be a little different from what I wrote on my message board) If you are reading this and aren't already a Speleton,(part of the club) then all you have to do is put #SpoopySpeletonSplub or
#SSS (for short) on your bio. After that, you need to go to one of the leader's message boards and verify that you are a Speleton/ in the club, by saying "I'm a Speleton!" or something like that..
that's all..
But.. If you are spreading the word about our awesome club that is filled with sPoOpS, then make sure to @ one of the leaders accounts so they know where to go to be a sPeLeToN!

I'm gonna go ahead and finish this off *yawn* because I'm like half asleep.. But is that gonna stop me from reading the LeMoNs??? No!


Byee my little armadillos( ˘ ³˘)❤


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