Chapter 23 murder camp

Start from the beginning

I slowly walked in there trying not to be heard and while keeping my eyes open to anything else here. I felt something bump into so I jumped. When I turned around I realize that it was just Susie. "Sorry." "Not so close. And try not to make so much noise." Once we made it to the other side of the showers I hid in...keeping watch for anything coming and going.

"Do you think its safe to go out yet?" "I don't know let me go ask the killer if its safe to come out?" I didn't mean to be so rude to her. I have never been rude to her. Like I stated before I get defensive when I'm scared. "I'm sorry." "Its okay I understand." "Let's just go I know we can't stay in here forever. We have to keep moving." 

When I was sure that there wasn't anymore screaming for while we left out of the bathhouse. "La'Rayna where are you going?" "I'm going to go look for Shawn." "Are you cray there is a killer on the lose." "Don't you think I know that." "Yeah but." "But nothing I'm not leaving him out here." "What if hes already dead?" "Don't say that." "I'm just being realistic here. He could already be dead if not he may have already left who knows." "I know that I'm not leaving him. If he is alive I'm going to find him and we both are getting off this camp." "I can't. I can't come with you. I'm sorry I just can't." "I don't expect you to." 

Her eyes were more frightened than mines. I don't know if it was the determination in me to find Shawn or me going off alone. I didn't expect her to come with me nor did I want her to. We gave each other a hug because we went our separate ways. "Be careful La'Rayna." "I will you too." "I mean it now. You were actually someone for the first time to call a friend." "Thank you." With that, we took off in different directions not knowing if we would ever see each other again.

After I saw Susie red curly hair bounce off into the woods I turned to leave. I was walking slowly trying not to make any noise. I was creeping behind anything that I could hide behind whenever I hear a noise nearby. Luckily it has only been small animals like rabbits and squirrels. I really didn't want to leave Susie but I couldn't leave Shawn behind. Not after what happened to Danielle. I'm not trying to lose another friend. 

I stopped in my tracks because I heard someone talking. They didn't sound like the killer. I'm pretty sure it was the killer because who and why would he be talking to anybody. I listened closer and the person sounded like Shawn. I kept following the sound of his voice until I was right in front of him. He was sitting on the ground next to a body. I couldn't make out who it was.

"Shawn." my voice came out shaky. His head snapped in my directions. He got up and practically tackled me to the ground. "I'm so glad that you are alright." "Me too." I hugged him tightly. He pulled back and looked at me. His eyes are full of so much love and remorse. Then he looked behind me. "Wheres Danielle is she behind you?" "Shawn." My voice cracked. "Shes shes is gone." I started breaking down crying. He pulled me into another hug. 

"Shawn I'm so sorry," I said into his shoulder. "For what?" "Not helping Danielle." "Rayna its not your fault." "It is its all my fault. We told me to leave and I should've stayed to help her." "Look and me and listen if there was anything that you could've done she would have never told you to leave." I looked back catching a glance of who was laying on the ground. It was one of Kirks echos. 

"What happened to him?" "We were in our cabin when we heard screaming. Kirk and I thought it was more people by the campfire or something. But since we knew what we saw we locked the cabin door to what for Cpulser Mike to come and check on us like they announced. We heard knocking on the door but we were both too afraid to open the door. The knocking came again and then counselor Mikes voice rang through so we opened the door. His voice trailed off and he looked back at Josh.

"What happened. Shawn?" "It wasn't counselor Mike. He came in. He caught Josh as we ran to the back of the cabin. Henry tried to help him. He killed Henry and he grabbed Kirk and Kyle and took them somewhere." "Where?" "I'm not sure we are the only two that got away. I went to your cabin but saw the door was wide open and figure you guys left or something. And he's hurt so we didn't make it far." "Is he going to be alright?" "I'm not sure."

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