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Moonlight casted slivers of pearly whiteness on my skin, stars gleaming down as the sky emitted cool air. I rubbed my sweater-covered arms to keep warm. Oval twinkle lights hung around the patio, illuminating a soft golden glow that sparked beautifully amidst the dark night. My friends and I sat around the glass table, gazing down with concentration at my rolling dice.

"Score!" I said gleefully, moving my little metal dog figure three stops ahead. It landed on the FREE PARKING block and I collected the five hundred dollar bill from the centre of the game board.

"You're cheating," David scowled.

"I am not! I'm just good at winning."

Shane grinned, taking a sip of his margarita.

"Girl, you haven't won yet. I'm still playing!"

Laughter spilled out of my mouth. Shane is the funniest guy I know. He makes everyone smile.

"Sounds like a challenge. Bring it on!"

We spent the next two hours playing monopoly, which Shane actually ended up winning. We finished our margaritas and decided to order pizza from Dominos. Once I'd paid the delivery man at my doorstep, I carried three medium-sized boxes to the balcony.

"Oh my god it smells so good," David salivated, his hands reaching out for his box. I took mine and sat down, taking a steamy hot slice while Shane did the same.

"Fuck!" Shane moaned, a pepperoni falling off the slice. "This is everything!"

My all-dressed pizza was just as good. I dunked in some fries at the same time, washing it all down with a can of cherry Dr. Pepper. Each bite was savoury, hot, and made my mouth water for more. Finally I was feeling full.

I gazed around at the twinkle lights and moon.

"I love this."

"The pizza?"

David asked with a mouthful of fries.

"No – well yeah of course," I giggled. "But I mean we've been best friends for years, ever since we were nine! Thats eleven years of friendship right there."

"Wow," David said.

"We've spent so much time in this balcony, in my house," I continued. "I never want it to end. I looove you guys!"

"Are you drunk right now?" Shane laughed.

"Maybe a little tipsy," I hiccuped. A headache was forming, I could feel it. David laughed and Shane rubbed my arm, eating a fry at the same time. Did he ever stop eating?

"We love you too man. Friends forever?"

"Friends foreverrrr," David and I sang.

Warmth and coziness travelled to my heart, my cheeks shining pink. I was happier than I've ever been.

As David got in his car and drove home, Shane and I headed back to the balcony to clean up the boxes. Before you think we have our own place, we don't. My mom left in the afternoon to run some errands.

Shane was temporarily living with us because his own mother went to Hawaii for a few months with her new husband. Shane was happy she finally found a nice man after all these years. He especially liked living with me. Our college was only a twenty minute drive from my house as well.

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