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a/n: I had a concussion for a month (recovery was awful) & was struggling to pass my exams as well. But now it's winter break so I should be back to writing often. Sorry if this isn't the best, I'm getting back in the groove!


"Stop it, Joey," Shane murmured as he pushed my hand away. I slipped a final light slap on his reddening cheek and laughed. Shane groaned, sitting up on the couch. 

"You seem better than yesterday."

I shrugged.

"I'm alright. I spoke to a doctor this morning. He said mom will spend a week here and that I should visit her every day for support."

Shane frowned, his blue eyes looking grey.

"So about last night . . .what even happened?"

I sat on the couch, heaving a sigh. Shane put his arm around my shoulders and gazed at the side of my face. A man with red eyes walked in the waiting room, dropping coins in a vending machine slot. A bag of chips fell off a rack and he reached down, picked it up and tore it open.

The sharp, crinkling sound amidst the silence made my ears ring. Shane raised his eyebrow.

"She got the gun from a guy off Craigslist."

"When? How much was it?" Shane asked.

"Yesterday morning. It could've been around $200 – I don't know."

My best friend rubbed my back in a slow, circular motion. His warm breath brushed faintly against my cheek as he sighed.

"Have you told David yet?"

The brunette was sleeping when I dialled his number. After the seventh ring, David finally answered and was shocked by the news I gave him. We drove from the hospital to his house, spending a relaxed day with his parents and sister, Meghan Camarena. She used to have a crush on me when we were twelve. Then I came out as gay at fifteen and she stopped acting so giggly around me. I was more than glad.

David sat by my side on the couch, patting my knee every once and a while. He kept bringing me drinks and snacks. I didn't eat much so Shane and Meghan took most of the cookies.

"I made your favourite, Joey," Mrs. Camarena smiled warmly. "Steak, mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, and corn on the cob."

My stomach rumbled as the food was placed on the dining table. The Camarena's were chatty and made jokes throughout dinner. The aroma smelled of sweet butter and the lights were golden and dimmed. I felt normal, like everything was fine. Once the clock hit 10 pm, i began to head for the door, signalling Shane.

"You two should sleepover," Mrs. Camarena said. "It's Saturday night and I was just about to brew some hot cocoa."

"Thank you, really. But I just wanna go home."

Mrs. Camarena nodded sympathetically, rubbing my shoulder. David gave Shane a tin box of cookies: homemade chocolate chip, and we drove home while snacking. Before I could step out of the car, Shane had already sprung from the passenger seat and bounded inside my house. I laughed, head shaking.

Shoes stepping on black cement, my skin shivered at the chilly November weather. Behind a jumble of dark clouds was the moon, hidden and alone. Few stars sparkled, the air oozing of thick fog. My breath was grey.

The neighbourhood was dark and quiet, except for the sound of footsteps. A creepy, crawling sensation pricked my arms. Scenes from horror movies flashed through my head and it was enough to make me start walking up the driveway. Reaching to turn the doorknob, a strong hand gripped my shoulder. I shrieked, my heart flipping madly, body frozen.

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