🌸Chapter 2🌸

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I felt my cheeks heating up, the boy was quite attractive and seemed like he knew most of the students.
I pushed my glasses further up my nose and listened closely.
"Yeah, she seems like a geek." He looked over at me.
I turned away.
I heard someone's footsteps behind me.
I felt a pat on my shoulder, I gulped and turned around.
The boy and his friends were standing behind me.
"Erm... hi?" I looked at my feet.
The teacher came out of the classroom.
I sighed with relief as she let us inside.
"Stand at the back of the classroom while I seat you."
The teacher had a friendly-looking face and wore a dress with tights. Her blonde hair was let down and fell beneath her shoulders.
She examined us carefully and looked around the room.
"Right," she sighed and started pointing students to places, I was the last person standing.
"And you can sit over there by my desk." She pointed to a seat next to a boy which I hadn't seen yet, he slumped in his chair and the teacher told him to sit up.
I took a seat next to him, I was opposite the attractive blonde- haired boy which tapped me on the shoulder earlier.
I managed to get a better look at him, his eyes were green just like mine and he caught me staring.
He gave me a weird look and started chatting to the boy next to me.
I turned to face the teacher, she was sitting on her chair at the front of the class room and she smiled when she saw me.
"Ok class, be quiet, my name is miss Taylor and I am your English teacher this year, I'm going to give you guys a chance to get to know eachother, so you can leave your seats and go and meet your classmates."
I hated these sort of things, no one would ever speak to me, and if they did, they'd be told to or wouldn't like me anyway.
Everyone got up and started talking straight away.
I got out of my seat slowly.

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