The Harsh Truth.....

Start from the beginning

“You need to listen to me young lady. You weren't the one who cause the trauma to her head. Yes i heard about you display and you did say a few things that i never thought I would hear my daughter say” I turned away from her as I was a shamed of what I did, she gently turned my face to her “But you didn't kill her baby. We don't know what happen and whoever is responsible will be caught. I'm sorry that you and Thea were on bad terms. But you can't keep beating yourself up baby” she spoke with concern. My lips trembled and my eyes filled with tears again.

“Mom I miss her. I miss her so much” I sobbed as I meant every word I did miss her knowing that I would never see her again killed me “I want my best friend back” It was the last thing that my mom understood as I was crying too hard to be understood. She hugged me tightly I think right now my mom didn’t know what to do with me, I didn’t even know what to do with myself either I just felt so lost.

“I know baby. I know” I heard my mom coo into my ear as she rocked me back and forth to calm me down, nothing will change what happen nothing. 

“S-Siena...” I raised my head and stared at Blair who just emotional as I was. We didn't say a word because nothing needed to be said. Blair ran over to me and we hugged each other as we cried while my mom tried to comfort us. I had heard what my mom had told me that it weren't my fault. But I was convinced that she was just trying to be nice because I was her daughter because the truth was I was responsible for Thea's death and nothing that nobody said would ever get me to change my mind “I can't believe she gone” she pulled away and looked at me “S-Siena the cops want talk to you too. They want to question everyone who spoke to Thea at the party” Blair hesitated for a moment “Including Nic” I froze in Blair's arms. The cops wanted to talk to me? I knew that I couldn't speak to them because they would find out what I had done. And they would take me away. And I deserved to go to jail after what I had done. But I couldn't bear the thought of being taken away from my parents. Suddenly the thought of talking to the cops was too much for me and I had to get away because it felt like I was suffocating.

“I'm sorry but I can't speak to them. I have to go” I pulled away from Blair and ran out of the room and out of the apartment. I couldn’t be here right now I couldn’t be around my parents or Blair. The only person I want to see right now was Nic I knew just being in his arms I will feel just that little better.

Klaus P.O.V

The Charity event was soon put to a halt when one of the guest had been seriously hurt. Siena and I were shearing one of those moments where we were lost in each other, but with hearing this she wanted to see what had happen. We both made our way out to the garden and I watched as Siena weaved through the guest to get to the front to see what had happen. I still recall the screams from Siena friend Blair crying out Thea name. That’s when I knew it was her that had been hurt, I glance around to see if I could find any of the guilty suspects but everyone stood there in horror as they watched this poor young girl barely breathing and very unlikely going to survive. One face stood out the most was Lucas De Vere was it guilt? Or was he just as stunned as Siena and Blair? That part of couldn’t put my finger on.

I tried to comfort Siena to take her away from the dreadful scene but she refused to leave she stood there not uttering a word. I knew the girls had a spat so to say but I knew that Siena didn’t mean half of those things said, it was all based out of anger. Thea was being delusional before her untimely death with stating she had met me, maybe the girl was going through some kind of depression that she took her life. I watched as Siena and Blair stood there both sobbing as the paramedic tried to help their friend, but there wasn’t much they could do Thea heart was fading it was a matter of time before it gave up all together.

Told the girls I would take then to Lenox Hill so they could be with their friend. I knew in time I would receive a call from Siena telling me that her friend had died but I had to give both girls some form of encouragement. At their age they shouldn’t be experiencing a lot there lives had only just begun. So I put that side of me who would normally be heartless to one side. I showed the both of them compassion and courage that there friend may possibly make it. Siena would look at me tear eyed and it did not feel right lying to her but I could not tell her the truth. Before they went into the hospital I told Siena to call me if she needs me not matter the time, I assumed she appreciated that. I wanted to be there for her to hold her and tell her in time everything would be okay the wounds that cut so deep will heal.

At First Sight 'Prequel Of Epic Love' Klaus Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now