Chapter 2

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"Peko, I have a favour to ask of you. Kill that bastard with the hamsters...please."

"I would do whatever pleases my young master...except I know that isn't what you truly want, is it?"

Fuyuhiko sighed. Peko always seems to underestimate the depths of his hatred for the Ultimate Breeder. Okay, maybe he didn't want him to DIE, exactly, but...

"Even if I don't want him to die, that doesn't mean I don't fucking hate every fibre of his being. Plus, did you hear that the dumb bastard cursed me?"

"Young master, I don't think that curses are real."

"I FUCKING KNOW THAT! And how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Fuyuhiko?"

"Young master, even though I am just a lowly tool, I have some advice for you — be true to your heart and your feelings." And with that Peko disappeared into the shadows like a true assassin, leaving Fuyuhiko feeling dazed but mostly angry.

"What...THE FUCK?!" he yelled at no one in particular — maybe the sky.

"Okay class, I'm going to sort you all into groups of four. Please get along with your team and become better friends!" Monomi, their cheerful but softhearted teacher, was repeatedly blowing her whistle and trying to get everyone to pay attention. However, the class was too busy talking with one another and finding fault with her teaching style.

"Whaaaat? Shut your mouth you flea-ridden bitch. I'm going to team with whoever I want," Hiyoko smirked cockily at the poor teacher.

"But it might be fun!" Hyper-as-usual Ibuki countered.

"Th-that's right! Listen to Ibuki, everyone. We're going to do it this way and that is final!"

The class groaned in response but allowed Monomi to split them into four teams of four. Gundham didn't really mind who he was teamed with — as long as they did not give his Four Dark Devas of Destruction a bad name. He ended up joining a team with Mahiru, Akane and Fuyuhiko. That last one...might be problematic.

Fuyuhiko, as expected, was quick to protest Monomi's decision.

"Oh, hell no. I am NOT going to work together with this sore loser."

Mahiru sighed and rolled her eyes like a tired mother. "Deal with it."

Fuyuhiko looked like he wanted to say a LOT of things, but somehow he kept his mouth shut. Gundham wondered why exactly Fuyuhiko hated him so much. In fact, now that he thought about it, Fuyuhiko hated him ever since the year began. Sure, it escalated when Fuyuhiko witnessed his ritual, but...was it really because of his questionable hobbies? And there was the curse, he supposed. But that was merely a bluff! Gundham only used his powers in life-threatening situations. Fuyuhiko could be intimidating, but not a real threat to consider.

Throughout the basketball game, they mostly stayed out of each other's way and the lesson turned out not to be terrible. Despite his short stature, Fuyuhiko could actually hit the ball pretty hard. Of course, Gundham already knew the strength hidden in Fuyuhiko's fists. But that all changed when the game was over and it was time to pack away all the nets and other equipment. It was easy to tell that Fuyuhiko was having a hard time carrying one of the basketball hoops back to the storage room. So wasn't it common courtesy to help someone who was obviously struggling? At least, that's what Gundham thought. He cautiously walked over to the shorter boy and took the large equipment from his arms without a word. But Gundham had unknowingly just made a serious error.

"Did you. Just. Look down. ON ME?" Fuyuhiko's expression and stance immediately became dangerous, like a lion circling its foe. From the corner of his eye, Gundham could also see Peko's watchful gaze following his every move. He sensed that one wrong move would result in quick and certain death.

"I was simply being polite and that is all." There was no hesitation or fear in Gundham's words as he crossed his arms.

Fuyuhiko seemed to be in thought for a moment before his eyes became bloodthirsty and a fist soon connected with his face. Gundham staggered a bit but managed to stay uproot on the ground. Nevertheless, the whole class crowded around the scene and some students (like Souda, who wasn't that fond of Gundham) were even egging them on.

"Oh wow, I've never seen a real fight between boys up close before. Maybe one of them will die at the end!" Hiyoko squealed with excitement.

Even Sonia, of all people, was joining in. "Gundham, you cannot lose!"

Perhaps he would need to use his powers after all. Before long, he was already whipping out a vial of holy water and poured all of the water on his hands.

Fuyuhiko made vain attempts to push the Ultimate Breeder away and shouted, "What the fuck are you-"

Everything became silent when Gundham swiped his finger across Fuyuhiko's forehead — horizontally and then vertically — to make a cross. And at that moment, Gundham said the stupidest and most impossible thing ever, in Fuyuhiko's opinion:

"I've released you from my curse."

A Curse Even Gundham Regrets (Gundham x Fuyuhiko)Where stories live. Discover now