Chapter 1

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Fuyuhiko was not expecting to see this. When he opened the door, the gents restroom was completely dark — except for a few candles which were dimly shining and giving off an ominous aura. In the candlelight, Fuyuhiko saw a familiar face looking down at the floor with intense concentration. Wasn't that...Gundham Tanaka from his class? And wasn't that a... pentagram? Okay, Fuyuhiko knew that he was a crazy bastard, but THIS? Fuyuhiko did not have room for this weird supernatural shit in his already-chaotic life.

"Congratulations, asshole, you've evolved from Crazy Bastard into Motherfucker Who Needs to be Beaten Up."

The gangster grabbed Tanaka by his purple scarf and forced him to stand up on his two legs. Well, actually Tanaka stood up by himself since Fuyuhiko isn't as strong as he likes to believe but there's no need to expand on that minor detail.

"I'm sick of all your creepy satanist crap. I know you think you're being funny but newsflash, you're not!"

And with that, Fuyuhiko landed the first blow on Tanaka's face. Tanaka staggered backwards a bit and the pain was evident on his face but he still did not hit back or even say anything. This struck Fuyuhiko as strange since Tanaka would usually start threatening him with his Four Dark Devas of Destruction by now, even though he was actually more of a wimp than Hanamura, probably. How was his personality even slightly charming? He didn't see why Sonia liked him so much. He didn't understand how such a bizarre kid could somehow befriend the whole class.

"W-well, make sure you stay out of my way, or you'll regret it!" Fuyuhiko made one last threat before finally entering one of the stalls. He heard a door close which must mean that Tanaka left. Good.

"What did you say, motherfucker? You CURSED me?"

All was quiet in the classroom — Fuyuhiko glared up at the "dark lord" with his fists clenched tight, hiding his unease with a face of intimidation.

"Indeed, I cast my vengeance upon you, little mortal," Gundham sneered, "and now you face the wrath of THE GODS ABOVE!"

"Pffft. Go ahead, curse me. In case you didn't know, I'm a yakuza so I probably won't live long anyway."

Tanaka's best friend Sonia Nevermind ran up to the feuding pair and cried out, "Please, cease this fighting at once! Maybe if you just talk it out a bit, you can be friends!"

"No, there is no going back for either of us now Sonia. This is what fate had planned for us long before we were born into this wicked world," Tanaka rambled.

"Let me rephrase myself. Cease this fighting now or you know what I'll do," the princess smirked knowingly with a glint in her eye. Gundham suddenly became silent and turned his gaze down to the floor. Fuyuhiko felt unnerved by how the situation had progressed and felt the need to swear excessively.

"What the fuck is going on? What the fuck did that mean? And why the fuck did you end that sentence so ominously ambigious?"

Gundham concealed his face with his scarf mysteriously while muttering, "You truly are the Dark Queen."

A Curse Even Gundham Regrets (Gundham x Fuyuhiko)Where stories live. Discover now